☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah. That guy looked like a mad dog up in the winner's circle. Is he always like that or-"


"Oh." You paused, making a mental note. "And what about the other one you fought? The little explosive one."

"Midoriya..." He said, and his expression turned to a solemn one.

"I see... What should I know about-"

"He saves people."

"Saves people?"


"Got it..." You decided not to pry any further, as you sensed a deeper rooted issue lurking there. "So two explosive quirks, one aggressive, one nice. What about the electric one?"

"I wouldn't worry about him."

"I see some potential there."

"Not really." He shrugged, then his eyes widened. "Oh! I uh... didn't mean it like that... Forgive me. I forgot that you two have similar quirks..." You smirked at his unnecessary apology.

"It's fine." You placated, and he silently sipped his tea for a while.

"So... do you really feel like a third wheel around me?" His shining eyes reflected a hint of sadness.

"Oh, Shouto. I didn't mean for you to dwell on that..." You were starting to feel guilty for your careless words and touched his hand gently.

"Can I do anything to change it?"

"Just forget I said it." But he didn't seem to be having any of that. You felt him grip your hand in his own.

"What if I invited you over for dinner? Would you feel more included then?"

"..." You blushed slightly at the overt invite. "Maybe..." You smiled coyly at your drink and Shouto felt his stomach flutter a bit.

"How does Friday sound?"

"Sounds great. I look forward to it."


"A-aren't you nervous?" Tamaki's shoulders were nearing his ears. "A-about speaking to the whole class?" Somehow he seemed to be having second-hand stage fright on your behalf.

"Not really." You shrugged with a smile. "I'm kind of excited to be honest." Amajiki turned away in shame.

"I wish I could be as brave as you..." He mumbled, jumping slightly when he felt your encouraging hand on his back.

"I think that you are." He accidentally made eye contact and your sunny smile made him blush and look away. "Are you ready to go?"


"Let's GO!" Nejire and Mirio suddenly cheered from behind you, pushing the both of you through the double doors. Mirio's robust warm arms swept you up into the air.

"Eep!" You squealed as he carried you towards the awaiting underclassmen. "Nyeh..." You squirmed helplessly against his durability before finally giving up. "This is hardly a dignified first impression, Mirio." You crossed your arms and he let out a hearty laugh. Finally, he placed you down in front of the class next to Aizawa.

"...F/N here will explain the rules of the game." He seemed to be finishing up his explanation, looking all-too-ready for his mid-morning nap.

"Good morning, everyone." You said brightly.

"Good morning!" The class repeated back, some sounding much more enthusiastic than others.

"It's nice to meet you all." You smiled at Shouto, the exception to your greeting. "As you can see, you all have been given colorful flags." You held up your own bright red one into the air. "Your objective of the exercise is simple: take my flag before I can take yours."

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