Chapter Nineteen.

Start from the beginning

''Gentlemen, I won't waste your time.'' She spoke with arms crossed. ''My name is Camelia Claustra.'' 

''First secretary of the Accordo Protectorate'' Ignis stated. 

''You should know, We have the Lady Lunafreya in our care and the empire demands we surrender her.''


''Yet I am loath to acquiesce unless we stand to profit. Hence I've come to discuss terms...with the King of Lucis. If you've a mind to talk, come to my estate.''

''She can be oblique at the best of times, but I assure you her heart is in the right place.''

''Oh okay.'' Prompto didn't seem like he believed Weskham. 

''At any rate, you must be weary from your journey. Might I suggest you seek your beds for now and ponder new matters in the morning?''

''That sounds mighty fine, My dear friend,'' Kiara spoke up, placing her gil for the meal on the bar in front of Weskham and slipping from the seat. ''first good news, I've heard all day.'' It was like someone switched her on, the energy bursting from her just as it was time for said energy to slow down. 

She bounded up to Prompto and grabbed a hold of his hands with hers, growing close enough to touch her nose with his ''Bedtime.'' Time slowed for Prompto as Kiara tilted her head to nudge her forehead against his before pulling away and dragging him towards the gondola. 

Behind them, Gladio chuckled. ''Looks like there's another wedding in our future.'' 

''I can't imagine Kiara in any kind of dress, Let alone one for a wedding,'' Noctis replied, giving his own quiet chuckle as they approached the Gondola. 

''It does seem pretty farfetched,'' Ignis added, taking his own glance towards Kiara ad Prompto. ''Although - she does seem to have attached herself to him.''

''Yeah'' Noctis said, his smile small and eyes soft as he observed his best friend with a pretty girl....Queen, Looking happier than he ever did even if he was blushing. ''I'm glad.'' 

''Come on, guys! you're so slow!'' Kiara moaned as the guys just now boarded the Gondola, minutes after she'd told the guy where they wanted to go. ''What were you talking about?'' 

''Your favouritism for Prompto.'' Gladio grinned, purposely knocking her as he passed. ''I think Iggy's jealous.'' 

''Oh really?'' She knew he was joking, Gladio was always obvious to read when he was joking.  She jumped up from her seat, plopping herself in Ignis's lap. ''Come now, Iggy. It's alright, there's still room in the bed with me and Prompto.'' 

Ignis cleared his throat and turned his head away. ''I assure you, I want no part in your nighttime escapades.'' Though it was what he said, Ignis couldn't help the blush that spread on his cheeks. Being shooed away by the attainer, Kiara chuckled and dropped herself back towards Prompto. 

''But you're not wrong, Prompto is my favourite.''  Due to the finality of her words, No one else said anything else until they arrived at the Leville - the hotel they would stay the night at. Gentiana awaited in the lobby of the leville and said something cryptic like she usually does, but after was when the boys and Kiara could finally sit themselves down and rest. 

Kiara was talking with Ignis on the far side of the room as Prompto sat in a chair and fiddled with the thing in his pocket. ''You still have that?'' Noctis asked, coming up to sit beside his best friend. ''You've had that since we first got to Lestallum.'' 

''I know, I just can't - ''

''You really suck with girls, Prompto.'' 

''I know.'' 

''Just walk up to her and give it to her! It's not that hard!'' 

''What's not hard?'' Kiara's voice appeared, making it Obvious that Noctis had been speaking far too loud with that last sentence. Immediately to save his own skin, Noctis grabbed his friend's shoulders, pulled him up to his feet and pushed him in the direction of Kiara. 

''Prompto has something for you. See you later!'' 

Prompto's face was tilted downwards towards the floor in a bashful attempt to make himself disappear as Kiara stood in front of him, awaiting what he had for her. There was no way she'd let him walk away without even a small explanation, so slowly and wordlessly, Prompto pulled the item from his pocket and held it out for her to take. 

It dangled in front of her, swinging gently from side to side until she took it carefully and looked at it in confusion. It was a small silver heart Locket, the visage of a bird engraved on the front,  ''Open it!'' Noctis voice shouted at her from the crack in the bathroom door. 

Inside were two pictures, miniaturised to sit pretty either side of the locket, on one side was a group photo of her and the boys, while on the other was just a picture of her and Prompto. Smiling, Kiara unclasped it and lifted it up and around her neck to secure it on her chest before pulling Prompto in for a hug. 

''I love it, Thank you.'' She murmured in his ear softly. 

And it was entirely possible that he loved her.


Not going to lie. I keep forgetting that i have to update this until something on tumblr reminds me. Sowwy!!! but you still get them! better late than never right!!?? XD 

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