Chapter 9: Not So Broken Hearted EDITED

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Chapter 9: Not So Broken Hearted

Matt's POV

We were walking around the neighborhood of America. With the Doctor Who camera men.

"It just feels so American." Karen said.

"Because it is America." Arthur said.

Karen laughed and Arthur smiled at the camera.

"I can't believe I'm in America! I want to stay here forever!" Levi added slyly. "And replace all American's coffee with tea!"

We all laughed at her while she rubbed her hands evily.

"That's even more evil than you Brits could be."

A man, with a smile opened his arms and Levi ran to him ad hugged him. Then they kissed passionately and we turned away, while

"You guys can look now." Levi said.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Karen asked.

"Yes. I'm Jeremy Wilson." He said.

He was tall, like six three and he had sparkling green eyes and this cut that defined his jaw.

"I'm Matt Smith." I said.

"Arthur Darvill." Arthur said.

"Karen Gillan." Karen said.

"We heard alot about you." Arthur said.

"I'm not surprised. Levi loves recapping that beautiful painful moment." Jeremy said.

"Well, it was worth it." Levi said, rolling her eyes.

"Well wanna go get some tea- I mean coffee. Go out to get coffee." I said. I forgot we were in America.

"There's a coffee shop with tea." Jeremy said with a smile.

We walked to the coffee shop just nearby an we started to chat while waiting for our orders.

"So, how long have you guys been dating?" Karen asked.

"Three years." Levi said.

"That's long enough." Arthur commented.

"Long enough for what?" Levi asked.

"Are you guys considering to even get married!?" I asked.

"I dunno... when somebody gets married- especially somebody in the spotlight," Jeremy gave Levi a quirky smile. "They tend to get divorced."

"Oh so you guys are gonna be like Amanda Abbington and Martin Freeman?" Arthur asked.

"Yah. Something like that." Levi said.

"She doesn't want to have kids. She's scared." Jeremy teased.

"Try squeezing out a child out of your vagina..." Levi mumbled.

The waitress arrived with our orders and we thanked her.

"How many people have you dated before you guys saw eachother?" I asked.

"Five or six, I guess."

"Oh... two or three." She replied nonchalantly. "I was drunk when I met Jer."

"She kicked me in the groin. I never met someone like her." Jeremy said.

"If you guys do get married, I wanna come!" Karen clapped.

"If we get married." Levi and Hugh shared a look that only meant trouble. Trouble for the three of us, anyways.

"Levi, Hugh, if you guys are thinking of something, don't go to the trailers." I blurted.

"Matt!" Levi kicked me under the table.

"Ouch!" That girl can kick.

"Jeremy, where are you staying?" Karen asked.

"With my uncle. He's almost never there because he's busy." Jeremy said.

"Jeremy! Oh my God! Shit, shit, shit!" Levi began to fangirl and I suppose it was a bit embarrassing.

"Levi... public?" Jeremy's cheeks were tinted pink and I couldn't blame him. That was embarrassing.

"Supernatural is in town!" She said.

"Supernatural... I heard that before... a reporter mentioned it." I said thoughtfully.

"SuperWhoLock?" Levi suggested, finally calming down.

"Yah! I saw that in your tumblr. What is 'destiel'?" I asked.

"You do not want to know. Believe me." Jeremy chuckled.

"Why is thy?" Arthur asked.

"Because I could never look at my girlfriend the same for a whole month." He replied.

"As if. He knows about it." Levi said.

"It's a ship!" While they were talking, I accesed the internet and found really nice articles and a few... nice pictures.

"Levi! You read these!?" I showed them my phone and Levi scrammed away.

"Porn..." Arthur and Karen blushed at the words.

"She's embarassed. When she comes back, she'll be ranting about it." Jeremy said.

"I wanna go home." Jeremy came back.

"Really? Why?" Hugh asked.

"Blood waterfalls." Levi replied.

"Oh... Oh!" Hugh caught on but we didn't.

"We're going to his house!" Levi and Hugh said quick goodbyes and left.

I showed them my phone ad they understood.

"Oh." I said.

Levi's POV

"YOU WANNA BREAK UP WITH ME!?!?" I screamed.

"Yes! We need to explore more people!" Jeremy reasoned.

"... Okay. Fine!" I replied.

"I know it- wait. What?" Jeremy gaped at me. "I thought you'd be so mad."

"Well, I agree. You're like my third boyfriend only." I said. "And I think it's for the best."

"Okay... but we're still friends right?" Jeremy gave me puppy dog eyes which made my heart melt.

"Of course! I could never un-friend the guy I kicked!" I laughed and hugged him.

"Let's get ice cream for this celebration! Of freedom!" Jeremy said.

"Yes!" Then a slam of a door broke us apart.

"Well, I think Uncle's back." Jeremy said.

"Jeremy!? You there?" Christian was waling back with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Hello, Christian." I said.

"Hi Levi. How are you two doing?" He asked, his expression going to happy.

"We broke up." I said.

"Oh goo- what?" He looked at us with a frown.

"More like taking a break." Jeremy supplied.

"Well, I still want my ice cream! Let's go, Jeremy!" I took his wrist and dragged him to the kitchen.

"You guys still friends?" Jensen asked.

"She kicked me in the balls. Of course we are." Hugh replied.

A/N: IT IS THE END OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!! Bad part is that next chapter, there will be a huge plot twist!


EDITED: 12/16/14

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