Chapter 15: Memory Lane EDITED

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Chapter 15: Memory Lane

Matt's POV

I woke up by some Doctors telling me that they were going to do some scans on Levi.

I wanted to protest and tell them I wanted to stay but I just didn't have the power to fight with them anymore. And it's nice of them to let me stay even beyond visiting hours.

So I went to the cafeteria and got me some food. Blimey, I was really hungry. I could eat a giraffe!

I saw the nurse I talked to last night and he gave me a little wave, indicating I should go to him.

"I see your still here."

"She's my friend. I care about her." I wish I could say 'She's my girlfriend. I love her', but that's not how to world works.

"Well, if I were such of a close friend, I'd also visit her alot." He said. "She's my favorite. She always seem to entertain me with her stories from her travells or her times in Doctor Who."

"Really? She says that she doesn't really remember stuff." I said.

"Oh. That could be a working of the failing immune system." He said. "The bacteria is winning and the mind is using all it's energy for fighting it. The memory is no use. They just need to fight."

"But, if the immune system is failing, that means all of the systems will fail." I said.

"Yah. Her kidneys, her heart, her stomach is shutting down this moment because of her immune system." He said.

"Why aren't you a Doctor? You know all of this and you're just a nurse." I said.

"I'm just an intern. But I'm really advanced that they agreed I could work." He shrugged. "But I still keep track of my work in Uni."

"Well, what's your name?" I asked.

He grinned like it was the moment he was waitin for. "Harry Wigglesworth."

"What? Your name is more riddiculous than-"

"Cumberbatch? Yah. It's my real name." Harry said.

"Well Harry, thank you for keeping me company. I'll check on Levi now." I said.

"Okay. Nice meeting you Mister Smith." He said.

"Matt, please." I nodded at me and went back to Levi.

"So, how are you Levi?" I asked.

"I dunno. I feel... The same." She said.

"You haven't been telling me things." I said.

"Yah. I'm sorry." She said. "I haven't... Even told... My family."

"You should tell them. Okay?" I brushed some stray hair from her face.

She nodded and I let her rest.

I wish I could show her her memories.

A lightbulb flashed and I was so excited, I went out to get my laptop.

I came back with a silly grin on my face.

"Hey Levi." I whispered.

"Huh? Matt?" She whispered. "Sorry... I was dreaming."

"About what?" I asked.

"It's kinda like dèja vu." She said. "I can't tell."

"Fair enough." I set the laptop and opened the pictures and let it go on slideshow.

"Remember that? That was when we all first met." The picture was me and all of the crew stalking Levi in her private corner.

"You... Followed me?" She asked, shocked.

"Of course." I grinned at her.

After a few videos and pictures, came my favorite one.

Just before we learned Levi had heart cancer, we were filming a football scene.

It was an out take and Levi challenged me.

We played football with our teams and we were both equals. And to say that I used to be a Professional Player.

We ended up having a tie and we kept singing songs about tommorow a new day, a second match tommorow and treason on Shakespeare.

"Why are we announcing... Treason on Shakespeare?" Levi asked.

"I... I don't know." I admitted.

"But we do look happy." Levi smiled a real smile instead of those pain holding smiles.

"Look! It's Kaz Kaz!" I said in the video.

Karen and Arthur were about to make out but we interrupted them.

"Bugger off!" Arthur yelled at us.

Then the video stopped and Levi was happier than ever.

I went out with my laptop and rested on the chairs.

'Lil Chrissy ran to me unexpectedly and I set him on my lap.

Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers came to view and I immediately saw their eyebags and how they looked so stressed.

"Hi Mrs. Rodgers, Mr. Rodgers." I said politely.

"Hi there, Matt. Is Levi awake?" Her mom asked.

"Yah." I said.

They nodded and went insjde. It must be such a hard time for them. To see their daughter be put through this.

And for some reason, it was putting me twice the hell too.

EDITED: 12/15/14

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