Chapter 3: Chosen One EDITED

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Chapter 3: Chosen One

Matt's POV

"Can't wait to be there!" Karen said enthusiastically.

"It's just an audition." Arthur said biting to his apple.

"Well, it'll be nice to act with them." I reasoned taking a bite from Arthur's apple.

"Hey! That's my apple!" Arthur said.

"We'll get you another one." Alex said with her River Song smirk I was so familiar with.

We entered the room where we'll be acting with the auditioning actors and actresses.

"Okay! You guys know what to do right?" Moffat asked us.

"Yah." We chorused.

"Let the first one in!"

It was three hours when we saw Levi come in. We all remember her. She's such an amazing actress.

"Okay, begin." Moffat said.

I saw Levi smile happily at us, beaming with joy before she turned serious, like she just suddenly placed a mask over her.

"Who are you?" I asked, becoming a new character named, Mathew Eternily. Funny guys. Real funny.

"River Song and my friend Emily Shepherd." Alex said.

"But a question remains, who are you?" Levi asked.

"I'm Mathew Eternily, my friends Karistaly and her husband Avver Alveys."

"Hi!" Karen piped.

"Nice to meet you both." Arthur said grinning at me.

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"We were sent invitations here." Karen replied. "You?"

"Same story." Levi said.

"It's a trap!" Alex yelled.

"Run!" Levi yelled, showing the fear in her voice and hurt. Just like in the fake scripts given.

Yes, fakes. I guess, it isn't a secret anymore what's going to happen! Yes, this is an audition for Doctor Who!

Everyone smiles and stopped as the producers chatted a bit about the performance.

"Good job." Moffat said.

"Thanks." She picked up her bag and left the room just like that, not giving a second glance at us.

Weirdly, I was disappointed she didn't look back.

Levi's POV

Four weeks passed and I was hanging around the phone again. Except this time my family and my flatmate were gathered around holding my hands.

The phone rang and I eagerly picked it up.

"Hello?" My voice was shaky. God I'm really nervous.

"I'm sorry. You didn't get the part." Her voice was familiar but I was too sad to even notice.

"It's okay. It wa-"

"We're kidding!" It was Karen Gillan's voice. I knew it!

"YOU GOT THE PART!!!" It was a crowd of people yelled actually making the whole room hear. I could distinguish Karen's voice, Arthur's and Matt's in the crowd who congartulated me.

"Thank you! Oh my God!" I cried to the phone but mostly myself. "Thanks!"

"But you didn't get Elliot Anverdi's part." It was Moffat now.

"Excuse me? What do-"

"You have the new companion's part, Alice Shepherd!" Karen and Arthur screamed.

"You, are gonna be my companion Miss Rodgers." Matt said.

"I'm in Doctor Who?" I asked, my eyes going fuzzy from tears.

"Yes. Welcome to Doctor who." Everyone screamed again.

"This is a miracle. Thank you." I said, trying to not to burst into tears of happiness. "I'm guessing somebody rooted for me."

"Yah. I rooted for you." Matt shyly said.

"Thank you! All of you!" I said. "Bye! And may the Doctor watch over you!"

I hung up, not caring about that really nerdy ending and hugged my mom and dad, crying and laughing.

"You got the part." My dad guessed.

"No. I didn't get that part." I informed them all getting confused and bewildered faces.

"I'm the new companion in Doctor Who!"

Everybody was silent for a while, probably registering my words into their heads. Which was right since everybody started cheering and clapping me on the back. I can now see why only men do that to eachother.

My back really hurts now and to add to that, 'lil Chrissy jumped on me to give an embracing congratulations. Okay. I didn't want this.

Matt's POV

I felt happy that Levi will take Karen and Arthur's places but I will miss them. We've grown so close to eachother we're like glued together.

"Aww. What's wrong Matty?" Karen asked giving me a huge hug.

"The thought of not having you guys here." I said truthfully.

"It's okay. I like Levi." Arthur said giving me a hug. Not those fake hugs or a man hug, a sincere reassuring one. "You guys can prank Moff and the others and have kitchen raids and go out and have fun like we do!"

I'm not sure what kind of 'fun' he means but I don't think he means it that way. Hopefully.

"Well, we get the rest of the day off." Karen said. "Wanna have a kitchen raid?"

I chuckled and took Karen and Arthur's arms. I need my dose of fun. And I need to take my mind off things.

A/N: Like the new chapter? I dunno. By the time this is actually known, this won't be new so, do you like the story so far? I know this is basically the same Matt Smith story but things will get interesting soon.



P.S. Like the Harry Potter thing? Chosen One? Hehehehehe. I'm in my Potterhead moments.

Edited: 12/9/14

Aww guys I was gone so long! I have until Dec 14 so I'm rushing this a bit but don't worry! I am prepared!

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