Chapter 5: Coffee Trailers and Manuscripts EDITED

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A/N: I won't even wait anymore because if I wait, people will think I'm not updating so here.

Chapter 5: Coffee, Trailers and Manuscripts

Levi's POV

"I just can't!" I said sipping my coffee.

"You can do it!" Karen said.

"Memorize this!?" I waved the script around her face. "I've memorized a twenty eight page script for a musical and I only completley memorized it the day before the show itself!"

"This isn't stage plays. This is a TV show." Karen said kindly. "Make a mistake and we can shoot it again. And even if you do perfect it, you'll probably have to do it again."

"Okay. It's a challenge but I'll memorize the damned script." I said angrily.

"Where's that 'damned script' of yours?"

Matt and Arthur strided to us taking a seat. Matt took a seat beside me and Arthur with Karen.

"Can't memorize the script, eh?" Matt took the script from me without permission which caused me to steam more.

"No. And I'll probably just fling it." I announced.

"I can help you memorize it!" Matt said.

My anger subsided but it was replaced with nervousness and despair. "Thanks, but I'm probably a hopeless goner." 

"Nah. You're just nervous and can't get anything stuck in your head except," Matt started to make a high pitch voice. " 'I'M IN DOCTOR WHO! I'm acting with the fabalous Karen Gillan, the dorky Arthur Darvill-'" Arthur shot him a glare. " 'And super sexy hot Matt Smith!' "

Karen smiled but I knew she was screaming with laughter inside, Arthur was pissed but he cracked a silly grin and I just snorted.

"In your dreams would I call you that." I said, doubling over laughter. "I will never ever do that!"

"Deny all you want!" Matt said flirtatiously. "You are infatuated with me and you know it!"

"I am because I am a Whovian! God's sake I carry my two sonics everywhere!"

I know. I am such a nerd. And I just showcased how much a nerd I am.

 "Oooooh! I wanna play with Ten's sonic!" Matt grabbed Ten's sonic and waved it around.

"You're such a child!" Karen laughed.

"I am. Cuz I'm the Doctor!" He took his sonic and waved it around.

"Yes dear child! Go to sleep now!" I said.

"NEVER! Sleeping is booooring!" He moaned.

"We always thought you had a bit of insomnia." Arthur chuckled.

"I have. But I can manage. If you guys let me watch some boring movie." I said.

"I took a test on the internet, they just said I'm stressed and stuff." Matt said. "So I have stress Insomnia. There's eleven kinds."

"Okay. I don't know what I have but I guess it's due to watching lots of series at night." I said. "I Work at morning."

"What was your work?" Arthur asked.

"I read books for a living." I replied. "Publishing house- not telling which one, makes me read the bazillion manuscripts given."

"So you read books for a living." Karen said. "That's pretty cool."

"Nah. That means I know books nobody knows and nobody understands my references." I sighed.

"Do you still work there?" Matt asked.

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