Epilogue Part 2

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Epilogue Part 2

*4 1/2 years after*

Levi's story is now published is now those hope giving stories. I added an epilogue because her story was cut off in the middle.

I kept my promise of course. I dated and searched for that girl. But we never seem to last long because I still felt a part of my heart belong to Levi Rodgers.

But I found that girl now. She's perfect and she seem to be contrast to Levi. Here was their similarity: they were both girls, they hated fancy stuff, wanted to act and they loved me.

We were going to get married today. We love eachother and she's perfectly fine with me still feeling close to Levi.

We met at the Cancer Ward and we started sharing stories of our lives.

She had a boyfriend who died because of lung cancer and they made a promise- just like mine and Levi's. We bonded and we dated for a steady four years.

She met Chrissy alot of times and when she left, I asked him if he wants her to be his mom. He said yes.

I proposed to her a month ago and her reaction was priceless. She jumped up and down before she calmed down and said yes.

She looked perfect with her curly dark hair and her shining grey eyes looking at me. Her dress was simple and I loved it. I would even say she looked beautiful even if she dressed up in a trash bag.

Her Dad gave her away and I took her hand in mine the whole time.

The priest said whatever he was supposed to say and we said our vows.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

Me and Gen looked at eachother, sharing an inside joke about the ghosts of our exes appearing.

"You may now kiss the bride." He announced.

I lifted the veil and kissed her gently, a kiss that lasted a few seconds but meant the world.

We ran down the aisle and went to the reception.

The reception was crazy, filled with family and friends. It was small and simple but still crazy enough.

There was no Best Man or Maid of Honour. It was just families toasting us. There was a reason behind that.

"Love, why is there two empty seats?" I asked Gen pointing at the closest chairs at us.

"That's for Levi and Nick." She replied. "We owe it to them for us to meet. I guess, if their spirits did come to watch, they'd sit beside us."

"You are such a kind woman." I kissed her.

"Gen!" It was her family.

"Better go and ask them what's wrong." She said. "And besides, we have a honeymoon."

She winked and walked off to her family.

I looked at the two empty seats with teary eyes and gratitude.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I hoped they heard it. I would have never met her but I miss Levi. I missed her alot.


A year later, Gen was giving birth to our first kids. That's right! Twins!

Of course, Chrissy is now 16 so I'm pretty sure he'll be okay with it. I think. I hope so. Christ, I hope he'll be a good brother.

"Push Gen! You can do it!" I yelled squeezing her hand. "Don't give up!"

"It hurts so much!" She complained.

"I can see the head! One more push!" The nurse said.

"Ahhh!!!" Gen gave one more push and out came my kid.

"A boy! Next one!" The nurse gave it to the other nurse who would clean him.

"Next one, Gen. You can do it!" I nearly screamed myself when she squeezed my hand extra hard.

Hours later, our twins were fine and we were holding them.

"What do we name the girl?" I asked.

"You name the girl, I name the boy." She said.

"Umm... I'll name her Levi Acadia Smith." I said happily.

"Nick Matthis Smith." Gen said.

"I can't believe we names them after the people we owe it to." I said.

"They did start the whole relationship. We owe it to them." Gen said.

It was true. Without either of them, me as Gen would've never met. Levi and Nick met us for a reason. And they led us to our matches.

I kissed Gen and I knew, the world was acting in weird ways. But I liked it that way. It gave But hey, it was just another twist in life.

The End

A/N: Y'all thought Levi would live and they live happily ever after!? No! I was trying to find some fanfic like this!! And I had fun making it! I'm going to put the playlist that inspired me to make this and the contents of some chapters!

Au Revoir,


PS The second names are named after my friends who's family members is dealing with cancer. I hope they get through it! <3

EDITED: 12/15/14

Hey guys! Remember the people I dedicated it to? Yah, they died- IM JUST JOKING THEY SURVIVED!!

And we have reached the end of this journey-for real. I hope you enjoyed the story along they way and you won't forget it too much.


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