Chapter 10: A Year EDITED

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Chapter 10: A Year

Levi's POV

"Where do we go?" Matt asked in a frenzy.

We were shooting for the episode I was in. I was just there to give directions.

"Ask somebody!" Karen said.

I walked near Matt, getting ready to say my lines. Even if it was just a few sentences, I was nervous.

"Hullo. Can you give us directions to the Big Apple?" Matt asked kindly. He was in his costume which made me more nervous. What if I screwed up by stammering?

"Oh sure." I said. Matt looked surprised that I was British.

"British!" He exclaimed. "Nice to meet you, fellow Brit!" Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Karen roll her eyes.

"Yes, nice to meet you too. The Big Apple is just there. Take a right and go straight." I said.

"Thank you! I hope to see you again." Matt said.

"I highly doubt that a stranger will meet a stranger again." I said and walked away.

"Cut!" The director yelled.

"You did great!" Matt said.

"It was just a few lines Matt." I teased.

"Of course. But still great!" Matt said spinning me around in his arms.

"Let's go!" I took his hand and we ran out of the studios, carrying out water bottles.

"You'll do great, you know? As a companion." Matt said.

"I'm not sure. I'm still nervous." I said.

"Children will love you," Matt said, now in front of me.

"I don't know... if I date again, I really don't know if children will work out for me." I said quietly.

"You still have time to change your mind, you know? You're still young." Matt said. "You still have time."

"I guess so." I felt lightheaded by the time we reached our trailers.

Suddenly, I felt weak and I wanted to vomit.

"Matt. I need to sit down." I was surprised that my voice was weak. It was fine just a while ago.

Matt's happy expression changed and he let me sit on a nearby chair.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I... I don't know." I said.

He gave me his bottle of water and I took it and drank half of it.

Suddenly, I felt the world spin and everything went black. But I saw Matt's face before I completely blacked out.

Matt's POV

"Levi! Levi!" I began to panic. She was perfectly well just moments before.

"Help her! Levi just blacked out!" I yelled.

People heard me and began to carry Levi somewhere and people called the American number for emergencies, 911.

In eighteen minutes, the ambulance arrived and carried her to the Hospital.

An hour later, after fixing everything and telling the Hospital we would pay for the medications and scans and everything.

"I think... I think we should stop shooting for the day and somebody should check on Levi." Steven said.

"I'll go." I vollunteered.

Everybody agreed and I took a cab to the Hospital.

"I'm looking for Levi Rodgers." I told the receptionist.

"Room two hundred twenty one. On the left, sir." She replied after skimming through papers.

I ran to the room and they were still putting tubes on her arms and setting her to the bed.

They had just took a blood sample from her and I was quite worried. I knew if they took blood, they were finding if she had any cancer cells in her.

"What happened to her?" I asked one of the Doctors.

"We still haven't figured that out. She just came out of the scan." He said.

"But what do you think it is?" I asked.

"Did she eat breakfast?" The Doctor asked.

"Yah. She ate, she had water, she was perfectly fine untill we shot." I said.

"It could be nerves but something tells me it's something else." The Doctor said, glancing at Levi.

"Doctor, we got the results back." A nurse passed a peice of papers to him.

"... Sir, I'm afraid she has cancer." And at that moment, I knew the world was falling apart.

"Can she be cured?" I asked quietly.

"No. She has stage three heart cancer. I'd give her a year to live." He said.

"Oh God. That can't be happening." I looked at Levi, suddenly feeling like I wanted to throw up.

"The best thing she should do is do everything she would want to do." The Doctor patted me and left the room.

I took out my phone, and dialed Steven.

"Matt. Why happened to Levi?" He asked.

"She has stage two Heart Cancer." I choked out.

"What? Will she be fine?" He asked.

"She only has a year to live." I said.

"... Well, I think we'll stop filming and start untill next week again. Tell her she deserves a rest" I could tell Stephen was worried-not just for the show but for Levi too.

Then I realized she has a family who would need to hear this. A family who probably never thought about their dying before them.

I took Levi's phone and called her parents.

"Hello Levi!" It was a female's voice. It was her mom.

"It's her friend, Matt Smith." I said.

"Oh. What do you want dear?" She asked.

"Umm... Levi is in the hospital. I'm with her but she's still sleeping." I said.

"What happened?" I heard the unmistakable worry seep into her mom's voice.

"She... She has stage three heart cancer." I said quietly.

"... Thank you for telling me Matt. If she wakes up, tell her me an her father will be coming to America." Her mom disconnected and I called Karen.

"Oh My God Matt! Is Levi alright!" She yelled.

"For now." I said.

"What do you mean for now!? Tell us!" Karen screamed.

"She has stage three heart cancer and she has year to live." I said.

"Oh God. We're going there right now." Karen hung up.

I covered my face with my hands.

And just when I told her she had time.

EDITED: 12/16/14

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