Chapter 16: Goodbye EDITED

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Chapter 16: Goodbye

Levi's POV

I was watching a re run of Doctor Who, remembering my time there with Karen, Arthur and Matt.

I remembered how the crew would laugh when I screwed up the first time, I remembered when Stephen was still Moffat, I remember the trio and their master kitchen raids and how Alex would smile after I finally got my lines right.

I also remembered my childhood, my family and my past boyfriends who I'd all dump just because I had a feeling. I guess you could say I was stupid.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I pressed the button that called a nurse and Harry came in with a smile.

"Hey Levi. What's wrong?" His expression changed when he saw my face.

I began to cry. "I... I can't breathe!"

"Hold on Levi." He gave me those masks so I could breathe, so I could live.

Matt's POV

I had to go back to film but they let me go check on Levi.

Harry ran pass me then yelled, "I think it's time!"

And by that, I knew exactly what he meant.

I ran to Levi's room and was relieved she was still breathing and still concious.

"Hi Levi." I said, slowly approaching her.

"Hi Matt." She said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"You know... I can't... breathe to well." She said.

Levi's POV

I saw hesitance in Matt's eyes and I knew what was coming. But it never happened.

I felt exasperation bubble in my chest.

"Are you even gonna admitt it!?" I was surprised. I wasn't out of breath or anything. It was like I was too angry to care that I was losing oxygen.

"What?" Matt asked. Is he really that dense?

"Matt. Really?" I said. "Look, I know how you feel."

Matt did a poker face but his eyes told a different story. Happiness and sorrow.

"But I can't be the one who'll make you happy. I'm gonna leave soon and I don't think that I'll be the one." I said. "Make a promise." Matt nodded once. "Promise me you'll move one, date lots of girls, find the one and get married and have lots of babies together." By this time, I was crying. "Because I know we aren't supposed to be the ones but I'm the step up to somebody you'll know."

"I... I promise." Matt said, tears freely falling from his face.

"Hey Matt." I said, trying to keep a straight face. "I love you."

Matt's POV

The line on the machines didn't go up or down. Just a continious never ending line. The beep was just one sound to fill the room.

Levi looked at me one last time, her face wet with tears. She smiled one last time and she looked absolutely angelic. Then no longer did she move.

"Oh Levi! I love you too! I've always loved you." I kissed the top of her forehead and wiped her tears away. "I love you."

The Doctors finally areived and I was pushed out of the room.

"Hey, Matt?" It was Henry. He sat beside me.

"Did you tell her?" He asked.

"No. She told me first. But I believe she already knows the answer. Because she always knew." I said wiping my tears.

EDITED: 12/15/14

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