☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 1

Start from the beginning

"As I said, you were clearly at a disadvantage." Nedzu continued. "The only reason you were able to win was by causing yourself significant injury." He gestured to your many bandages. "Therefore, I awarded the final spot in the top three to Amajiki."

"But sir!" Tamaki objected, horrified that your injuries were all in vain.

"That's fair, sir." You turned and smiled. "Congratulations, Tamaki!" He glanced at you both and frowned.

"But I...don't deserve it..." He mumbled at the floor.

"Rest well." The principle said, leaving Tamaki's self-depreciating behavior for you to handle. "Remember that you have the demonstration for the first years in a matter of days."

"Yes sir." You and Amajiki agreed in unison, watching his soup-spoon ears disappear out the door.

"Let's take a look at the damages." You drew Tamaki's attention back to yourself as you unraveled one of your bandages.

"Maybe you shouldn't-"

"Woah!" Along the base of your ribcage (where Tamaki's tentacles had restrained you) was a pattern. Clear as day, they were suction cup rings in a neat little row, red and almost melded into your skin from the electrical burn. Tamaki gasped in horror.

"Oh god! I've disfigured you forever!" He covered his face with his hands, heart shrouded with guilt. "I'm the worst person who ever lived!"

"I think it's a really cool scar." You smiled genuinely.


"Yeah. It's sorta like a friendship charm, only permanent." Tamaki sat back down and was quiet for a while. But his fidgeting movements led you to assume he was still fretting about it.

"Really, it's okay, Tamaki." But the sentiment didn't seem to comfort him.

"F/N..." Tamaki turned to you, and you were unable to read the emotions swimming in his dark eyes. "During the fight... you could have said..." He paused, searching for his words. "You could have said anything to make me second guess myself... but you didn't..." He met your gaze. "...Why?" It took you a moment to process the question. But then you realized, he was inquiring as to why you didn't utilize his psychological weakness during the fight. He knew you must have been well aware of it after all of these years.

"Well..." You half-smiled down at your lap. "It seems you've stumbled on the source of my weakness..."

"I don't... understand." He furrowed his brows. It was true, if you had the wherewithal to use cruel mind games, that battle had the potential to be a very easy win for you. But it wouldn't have been fair, it wouldn't have been sportsmanlike. And beneath all that honor was the core reason, the real thing that held you back.

"I just... can't stand to see you hurting, Tamaki." You admitted honestly. "That's my weakness." He turned his head away and blushed.

"...Kindness isn't a weakness..."


"What are you guys doing?!" You whisper-yelled at Mirio and Nejire, who were silently raiding your purse next to the hospital bed.

"You lost the bet." Hado said simply.

"No I didn't! Look at me!" You gestured to your clearly injured body. The day of the match, you had turned to Togata and Hado, and said, '50 yen says Tamaki kicks my ass.' Anyone with eyes could see that Tamaki did, indeed, kick your ass.

"But you won the fight." Mirio grinned widely.

"Yeah, but-"

"See ya. We're going out for a nice lunch with this." Hado pulled the cash out of your wallet and skipped from the room.

"Guys! Wait, I'm hungry too!" You were still whispering angrily. Tamaki had fallen asleep, head down on the edge of your cot. If you had jumped up to stop them, you would have woken him, and the poor boy had obviously suffered enough, worrying himself into a state of exhaustion. You huffed in frustration as they disappeared around the corner.

You allowed yourself to gently pet Tamaki's fluffy hair, careful to avoid waking him. Apparently you had drifted off to sleep as well, for when you came back to your senses, there was no longer a warm presence beneath your hand, and a new appetizing smell filled your nostrils. You opened your eyes to see a smiling blonde sitting alarmingly close to you on the bed.

"Uh... Hi, Mirio." You raised a sleepy eyebrow at him. "How was your lunch?" He couldn't help but laugh at your salty tone.

"It was great. I brought you some too." He held up a karaage roll from Yukihira diner.

"That's my favorite!" You exclaimed. "You took the train all the way out there to get it?!" You were touched by his efforts. As mischievous as the burly blonde was, he still would never take advantage of a friend; especially not an injured one.

"It was no trouble." He rubbed the back of his neck modestly.

"Thank you." You went to reach out for it, wincing at the soreness in your arms. Whatever pain medication the doctors gave you must have been wearing off, for you were much more sore now than when you were talking with Tamaki earlier. Speaking of which, it was now that you noted his absence.

"Allow me." Mirio gently lowered your arms, holding the food up to your mouth.

"I can feed myself, Mirio." You smirked at him and he let out a boisterous, 'Hah!'

"I'm sure you can." He dangled the delicious smelling thing in front of your nose, and you would have had to possess a will of steel to not take a huge bite of the crunchy savory item.

"Mmmmm." You hummed happily. "So good."

"It smells awesome." He replied, taking a chomp out of it without your permission. You looked a bit surprised, as you'd never really seen people share food this way unless they were considered a couple. You knew if Tamaki were in the same situation, he would have wilted in embarrassment like a socially awkward flower. But something about Mirio made it feel natural, almost like a bonding experience. He always gave off this comfortable aura, reminiscent to being at home wrapped in a blanket. What would be a good word to describe it... warm? Sunny? At least that's how his best friend described it.

"Didn't you eat already?" You chuckled, pulling the roll back towards your mouth.

"I'm a big guy with a big appetite." He bit into it again, taking about a fourth of it with him.

"Don't eat it all!" You griped, and he laughed once more.

Mirio continued to hand-feed you like a horse, taking care to make sure you were comfortable. He couldn't lie to himself; he enjoyed this opportunity to pamper you. It wasn't often a strong-willed person like yourself was in need of his help, so he rarely got to show this side to you. On the other hand, he particularly liked messing with you as well. Mirio was a very playful individual, sometimes going too far with a joke or a prank. But he was happy now, knowing that you accepted both sides of him.

"Whatcha thinking about?" You prodded him with an elbow. He wasn't usually quiet for such a long time and you wondered if there was something bothering him.

"Oh?...I was just wondering what the first year students are going to be like. Are you excited about the demonstration?"

"Yeah." You wiggled your sore shoulders a bit. "That's assuming I'll be able to walk by then..." You both chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'll- eh- I mean me and Tamaki will take good care of you and make sure you make a full recovery!" 

(Next chapter will feature Shouto and the other 1-A boys.)

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