A little while later Clemont realized he hadn't heard or seen Bonnie lately. "Has anyone seen Bonnie recently," Clemont asked as he looked around the lobby. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. "No we haven't," Korrina replied. Everyone then got up to start looking around for Bonnie. As Serena stood up she bumped her bag, causing her tablet to fall out and open up. As her picked it up she noticed the page on the screen. "Clemont, I don't think she's here anymore," Serena said as she showed him the page. "Oh no, you don't think she actually went do you," Clemont asked, fear evident in his voice. However before anyone could answer..."WE NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!" This caused everyone in the Pokemon center to look towards the entrance and see a group of four Pokemon Rangers rushing in, one of them being carried in by two of them with his arms over there shoulders. Nurse Joy came rushing out from the back, "Oh no, what happened!?" "We were on our way to the Nicera you told us about when we ran into a large herd of Scolipede before we could get there. We tried battling through them, but half our Pokemon were already too weak from battling other groups of poison Pokemon and destroying those berry bushes. They just kept coming out of the forest. If it wasn't for Jace here we probably wouldn't have made it out alive," one of the rangers explained. The other trainers heard this, many of them looked like they were about to break down and cry right then and there. "Excuse me," Ash said as he walked up to the rangers. "Can you show me on a map where the Nicera is." "Sorry, no, it's too dangerous for one trainer alone," said one of the ranger with a sad, defeated voice. "First, I won't be alone," Ash said gesturing to the rest of the gang behind him. "Second, even if I was I need to go. A nine year old girl is missing, we think she went to get Nicera." The eyes of everyone who heard that widened in fear for Bonnie's safety. One of the rangers pulled out a plastic map, "I'll show you," one of the rangers said as he lead Ash to a table. "Excuse me, but why go get Nicera, why not just order some and have it shipped," Korrina asked. "I ordered a shipment of the proper antidote two days ago. The problem is that it won't arrive for another two days and that is too long for some of the Pokemon here. After three days the poison will kill an infected Pokemon. Meaning, starting tomorrow Pokemon are going to start dying," Nurse Joy explained sadly. "Not if we get enough Nicera while we are up there," Ash said as he rejoined the group. "I told you it's too dangerous. Saving the girl is one thing, but you'll have to fight through a herd of Scolipede to get to it, and who knows how big that heard is," said the first ranger. "Good thing I rotated my Pokemon to make a good team to go against poison types," said Ash. The rangers looked at Ash trying to figure out if he was an idiot or just that good, but considering the circumstances, they had to take the chance. "Alright then, but if you get the chance, destroy any of the bushes you see. The berries are yellow with red spots," said one of the rangers. "Will do. Come on guys, let's go save Bonnie," said Ash as he and the rest of the gang made their way out the door.

Bonnie had been lucky so far that she hadn't run into any Pokemon. Normally this would be something she wouldn't want, but current circumstances changed her opinion. "Alright, we just need to climb this cliff and we'll be almost there," Bonnie told Dedenne. "That cliff looks pretty steep, it won't be easy to climb," Dedenne commented. "I know, but Ash taught me a way to use my aura that should help, just hang on tight," Bonnie replied. Bonnie stepped back a few feet, as Dedenne held onto the inside of Bonnie's bag. Bonnie took a runners stance, her eyes glowed blue, and she took off running towards the cliff. Once she was only a few feet away she jumped up at least ten feet, although it wasn't enough for Bonnie to land her feet on the ledge, but she was able to gab it and pull herself up. "There we, were on the home stretch," Bonnie said as she stood up and walked into the forest. "Ahhhhh," Bonnie screamed as she ran back out of the forest, with three Scolipede chasing her. "Please let us through, we just need to find a plant called Nicera to help some sick pokemon," Bonnie pleaded. "Don't trust her, she wants to destroy the berries like the others," one of the Scolipede said to the other Scolipede. "No I promise I just want..." Bonnie started but was cut off by the Scolipede firing poison sting at her. Luckily Dedenne jumped out of her bag and used thunder shock, canceling out the poison stings. Dedenne then charged up and fired another electric attack, this time it was thunder, and it was blue. The attack hit one of the Scolipede dealing heavy damage, but didn't knock it out. "Wait a second, that was thunder. How did I do that," Dedenne thought out loud. "Because we worked together," said Bonnie. Dedenne looked back and saw Bonnie breathing heavily. "Bonnie, are you ok," Dedenne asked worried. "I'll be fine. I connected my aura to yours and super charged you. It just took more out of me than I expected," Bonnie explained. "I didn't know you could do that," Dedenne said sounding suprised. "I didn't either, but Ash told me that's was what happened to him and Pikachu the first time his Aura started working on its own, so I figured I could do it to," said Bonnie. By now the injured Scolipede was back on its feet and even more angry. It then let out a loud cry and three more Scolipede emerged from the forest. "This isn't good," Bonnie thought out loud. The Scolipede then fired multiple poison stings at Bonnie and Dedenne.

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