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Chapter 47
The next day was pretty awkward and me and Logan only talked to eachouther when we had a scene together. A little later Tessa came bye the set.
Y: Tessa!! I haven't seen u in forever! T: Ya girl I've missed u! I could see through the corner of my eye Logan was watching us. After me and Tessa caught up and had lunch I went back to set (u were in the greenroom) Logan's walks up to me. L: Look Yn, I know u probably don't have feelings for me anymore but I still love you, I know it's been more than a year but still... I got lost in Logan's eyes I honestly back in and said Y: Logan.. maybe I can give u another chance.. Logans face instantly lit up, L: How about I pick u up at 7? Y: sure, but I moved, Me, and Alissa became best friends so we moved Into a house together. And don't get mad but Alissa may get mad because me and Alissa are married. I laughed so did Logan. L: I'll pick you up at 7. He walks off set because he had finished for the day. After a bit I finished on set it was about 4ish so I went home and got ready *swipe* A: Hey Wifey. Alissa and I laughed. Y: What's up Lissa? A: nothing but what are u getting ready for? Y: Oh! I'm getting ready for my date. A: HEY!! I THOUGHT WE WERE MARRIED. we both laugh then Ricky comes into my bathroom R: who's married and why don't I know about it? We all laughed. Ricky leaves and me and Alissa kept talking. A: wait if ur going on date will u not be able to pick ur PUPPY THAT UR SUPPOSED TO GET TONIGHT up? Y: OMG I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!! I run over and grab my phone I text Logan
Y: hey so when u pick me up can we run a quick errand first?
L: sure what is it?
Y: I completely forgotten about it but I'm supposed to go pick up my puppy tonight.
L: oh ya sure.
Y: thx
Y: Lissa me and my date with pick Russell up. A: aww is that what ur naming the cutie? Y: Yup! A: oh and you never said who ur going on a date with. Y: oh.. Im going on a date with.....

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