Chapter 9

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Hartfard Court was a reasonably sized house, not far from Hyde Park, it was more tall than wide. It towered above, and from the top it was possible to see much of London. I exited the carriage and walked inside, feeling oddly out of place, though perhaps it was just because I was alone. 

A series of fairy lights lit the hall way, and when I came into the main room, I found it surrounded by halls on the upper floors looking down on to the main reception area, a staircase dominated the space, and because of it's outer appearance, I was surprised by the width of the room.

"Miss Everlyn!" called a voice. I turned and sighed when I saw Arthur Wayland making his way towards me. It crossed my mind to pretend I had not heard him, but knowing it would be rude I plastered a fake smile to my face, pretending to be just another happy attendant of the ball. He smiled broadly, and straightened his waist coat. "Good evening" I said.

"Good evening, you look ravishing" he said, his eyes roaming my body. At this, my expression hardened and I made eye contact, he seemed to blush but made no attempt at apology. "I did not know you knew Lady Grisham" he said keenly.

"Alas, it is not well, we are but acquaintances, but she was kind enough to invite me after last night"

"Did you enjoy yourself?" he asked me, sounding less than happy, I assumed this was because I would not dance with him. 

"Immensely" I lied smoothly, "It made rather a change to my usual routine"

"I can imagine, after all you did dance with the Lord Petrov" he said bitterly.

"Mr Wayland, I do not know what you are insinuating, but I suggest you rethink what you assume happened. Lord Petrov asked me to dance with him, and I was feeling in a more lively mood when he asked. Do not take offence" I told him.

"Then I suppose you would not mind dancing the next dance with me?" he said, his voice practically ringing with challenge. Head high, I met his gaze and answered, "I would be delighted"

He took my arm, leading me to the lines of couples. We stood opposite each other, though I was not looking at him, not particularly interested. He had a pleasant face, his eyes were blue and his hair was a tumble of blond, resting on his shoulders. His limbs seemed elongated as he was tall, taller than Petrov, his expression usually  reminded me like that of a dog, honest and trusting. But at that moment he was wearing one of set determination, as if sure he was going to impress me. 

The music started, a merry tune, we met in the middle and spun before skipping through other partners and meeting again at the end dancing too the end of the line. This went on several times before the music finally stopped. We bowed to each other and he pounced on me again, I rolled my eyes, this was getting ridiculous. 

"Would you like another dance?"

"No thank you, Mr Wayland" I told him.

"Can I get you a drink?" he said.

"No thank you, I wish to see Lady Grisham and thank her, though I think that girl is in desperate need of a dance partner" I pointed out a lonely girl in the corner, she had straight mousy hair and a pointed nose, Mr Wayland frowned. 
"Why her?" 

"She is in need of a partner, and I trust you will be kind enough, since you are so keen to dance again" I said in a clipped tone. Walking away like a dog with it's tail between his legs, he skulked off to ask the girl to dance. I watched out the corner of my eye as she rose to her feet obligingly, taking his arm and looking at him with mooning eyes; Mr Wayland was not unattractive, and it was probably the first offer the girl had had all evening. 

I found Lady Grisham amongst a gaggle of women, but managed to thank her for the invite, to which she slurred (the alcohol having much taken effect) "Any friend of Lord Petrov is a friend of mine"
I ground my teeth, infuriated that it was due to Petrov I had received my invite. After paying thanks to Lady Grisham, I went outside for air. The cool night breeze left goosebumps on my warm skin. I looked around and saw a figure emerging from behind me from the light of the hall. I moved away, relishing the feel of the wind playing with my hair. "Miss Everlyn" he called softly. I turned my head and allowed a smile to play on my lips, he was very handsome. His hair was falling out of the small pony tail at the back of his head, which was extremely short, his hair length being only just below his shoulders. His eyes were glowing, even in the darkness and his face seemed to reflect light rather than hold the shadows.

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