Chapter 37 - Meeting JJ and Jaclyn (and special A/N)

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Read the Authours Note at the end! Really important!

Of course, there were so many articles, pictures, and gossip about JJ and Jaclyn, but i wasn't going to let the media gave another peek at them until my family gets a look at them.

Today, Mum, Dad, Tyra, Grandma, Grandad, my aunties, uncles and cousins were coming over to see them.

I was really nervous. Last Time I saw them was a week before they were born...

Mum and dad arrived first. Mum was gokisng a big suitcase and dad was holding 2 wooden slabs with t heire full names on them.

Yara: Mika! We're here! Where are my grandbabies!
Faer: Mika! Mika, were here!

I ran to my parents, hugged them and passed the present to Dee.
We went into the living room, wel, my mum and I did, while my dad pulled Dee aside.

Dee's pov

Mika's dad pulled me aside and looked at me seriously.

Oh no.
I know exactly what he's thinking.
Faer: Doniell. I honestly believe you're an amazing person, and I know you make Mika happy, but you already have kids and you're just still engaged.

Dee: Mr Andrews-

Faer: call me dad, or Faer at least...

Dee: oh-uh-um, Dad, I thought would be stressed with getting married while she was pregnant. That's why we were planning to get married next week. My parents are even coming today, we can all discuss. My mom and Ya- I mean, mom, have already start3dd planning it out.

Faer: I'm happy you have a plan. Okay. Let's go meet those ladies before they get carried away.

Mika's Pov

The moment my mum saw the twins, she screamed and carried them both in her arms.

Yara: they are so cute! Awe, JJ has Doniell's eyes! And little Jaclyn has your nose!

Mika: 😂😂I thought they looked like regular babies to me...

Yara: you knw what I mean!

We spent the rest of the day with both me and Dee's family, eatung, playing with the babies and planning the wedding,

Basically just having a really fun time.


Yknow, sometimes it's just so wierd that this love story started with this little idea of me tagging along and writing a fanfic about my crush, Dee. You guys don't realise how much this means to me.
This is the most amount of reads I've ever gotten. I mean, 2.07k may not be much to you, but it is to me. Thankyou, Thank you, Thank you so much you amazing people who are currently reading this really long Authors note.
Mika and Dee's story, now with JJ and Jaclyn, is not ending any time soon, I'll give you that!
I hope one day I, and everyone who likes Dee, gets to meet him one day. If you do, and you're reading this, tell him Mika says hi.
And do not tell him about this cringey, poorly written book. Kay?

Thanks again!

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