o n e

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mika, kira, mia and hannah; four close friends since childhood, all living together in a large, lavish los angeles apartment.

large, rough bricks, modern interior, large window. you get the idea, yeah?

today seemed normal. Mika woke up in her favourite joggers and went to the kitchen to get herself a snack, mia was snoring her head off in her room, bre was on social media and hannah was painting her nails again.

* d i n g *
she got a notification on her phone, dragging her harshly back to reality, reminding her of her forgotten dance class- in 30 minutes.

tripping ice her own feet to get into the bathroom, she shouted out to her friends, hoping to dear God she wouldn't get kicked out of her dance class today.

- t i m e   s k i p -
each clad in baggy shirts and sweats and shorts of different colours and styles, they met at the front door.

"has anyone seen my phone?"

"i think its in the lounge?"

"my laces! can't find my laces!"

"for Christ's sake, we've gotta go!"

with a 64% battery and a head filled with prayers, they tumbled outta door and into bre's car.

better late than never, right?

guess who just updated?
mhm. its me.
decided that this book had too many cringey
scenes and spelling errors, couldn't go on
for long :) this book'll be fully republished after
beung edited.

Start It All Over Again (A Kidathegreat ♡ Lildeedee fanfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant