Chapter 10 - Sick day AGAIN

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Mika: who was it this time?!
Hannah: it's was me *cough* *sniff*
??: ah-ah-ah.... Dang it, it went back in
Kira: who did that? Hahahah OW! Everything hurts when I laugh...
Mia: sorry it me.

Since midnight, we'd all been sick. At been terrible not being able to get up and I'm starving. We decided to play a game of trying to guess who sneezed or coughed.

We heard Hannah's ringtone and then the sound of her scattering her bedside table to find her phone.
Hannah: h-hello?..... Oh, hi Dean!...... Yh, the girls and I are sick today..... What....... Oh you guys don't have to-........DANG IT! GUYS GET UP! THEY'RE COMING!

Kira: who?
Hannah: Dean is coming over with the others?
E/b: we need to shower now!

For the next hour, all that could be heard was Thursday, showers running, brushing if teeth, curling hair and wearing clothes. Oh, and the occasional groans, sneezes and coughs.

(a/n: outfits above.)

They arrived soon enough, and I was the one who answered the door.
I hissed as the light sting my eyes.
Deedee: how long have you been inside?
Mika: since yesterday

Kida jiggle the packed mugs.
Kida: we brought warm soup and warmer hugs
Mika: nice.

I shuddered as some of the winter air git into the house.
Mika: come on in, guys. It's getting chilly out here.
Kyree: winter is on the way
Dean: can't wait!

The rest were in front of the TV and watching TV. After exchanging hugs, we settled on the couches.
Mika: it's so weird *laughs*
E/b: what?
Mika: we literally met a week ago and you guys are already bringing us soup.
Kida: it's a nice thing to do
Dee: yeah, and Savannah and her friends came over for a sleepover and had some left over chicken soup...
Kyree: we couldn't finish it all
Dean: but we were just lucky that you girls needed it
Hannah: so you're basically saying you're happy that we're sick?
Dee: no bu-
Mia: good question.
Dee: I wanted to ask a question...
Mia: sure *starts putting the soup in eight bowls*
Dee: since we are already visiting each others houses, want to be friends?
All the girls: of course!
Dee: good, I was scared a little.
Kira: since we are already talking about talking about serious stuff, I have something to say too...
Hannah: Yh, what?
Kira: I maaaaaay or may not have gotten us a.....
Mia: a what?
Mika: if it's an Oreo making robot then I love you for life
Kira: well, I forbid a puppy 🐶
E/b: whaaat? Where is it?
Kira: in my balcony.
Mika: well bring him out here!
Kira: how did you know it was a boy?

She went in and got out the most adorable puppy ever!

She went in and got out the most adorable puppy ever!

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Kira: this little guy here is a Bo peep Maltese.
Hannah: ohmygosh, he's so cute!
Mia: what's his name?
Kira: well....
Mika: well call him Bobo.
Dee: 😂😂😂
Kida: poor soul....
Bobo: *arf arf*
Mika: see he likes it!
Hannah: fine, we'll call him Bobo.
Mia: this is gonna be the best day ever! *owwww

Welcome little Bobo to the penthouse!!! You're so cuteeee
Sorry it's a bit short! But I'm really just with school and stuff but I didn't want to disappoint you guys!

Anime_TRST x

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