Chapter 22 - More drama

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Tyranca sat down on the seat and her pjone immediately started ringing.
Tyranca: hello? Oh, hi Tahani!
Mika: what?
Tyranca: Yh, we've already started. You wanna come over? Sure! You're bringing Tati? Even more great! Okay, see you guys then! Bye!
Faer: who was that?
Tyranca: oh, one of my friends wanted to come over for lunch. Tahani, y'know the one who dances?
Yara: oh. Her.
Kida: uh, k need some fresh air. Dee, can you come please?
Deedee: why?
Kida: just come!

He dragged Dee outside.
Kira: Oh, boy I need to go outside too! Mika, let's go!
Mika: but-

She dragged me up and we went with Kida and Dee.
We went to the courtyard and Kida exploded.
Kida: what the actual fudge this can't be happening to me? Not today! How can Tahani come over? This is unfair! Life is unfair!
Dee: bro, chill.
Kida: you know Tati is coming too, right?

Deedee froze.
Dee: my life is over, Mika when I die, bury me with my shoes. That's my only request.
Mika: hey, why are you guys so freaked out?

Kida and Deedee looked aat each other.
Kira: what?
Mika: spit it out...
Kida: We kinda dated each other
Dee: no!
Kida: we mean, I dated Tahani, and Dee dated Tati.
Mika: Oh.
Kira: well....

I was probably frowning.
Dee came and hugged me and Kida hugged Kira.
Kira: do you still ahve feelings for them?
Kida:of course not! Kira I love you!
Deedee:you're my one and only foodie, Mika.
Mika: aweeeee
Kira: you're so sweet! He-

The automatic gates opened.
Tyranca came out smiled. She was hold in the remote to the gate.
Tahani and Tati came in, smiling. Then they stopped when they saw us.

Tahani was wearing a pink camo bralette and leggings with a black bomber hacker and fluffy black sandals. Her hair was curled and put in a ponytail.
Tati was wearung a black crop top and shorts with fish nets and boots. Her hair was curled up.

Tahani: Oh, hey Tyranca! Kida. Deedee. *eyeing us up and down* others.
Tyranca: Tahani, this is my sister Mika. And her friend-
Mika: best friend
Tyranca: best friend Kira
Mika: we've met.
Kira: hi girls!
Tati: hey girls.
Tati came forward and hugged us. She seemed nice.

Tahani, on the other hand, just glared at us,
Tahani: are you Kida and Dee's new backup dancers?
Kira: actually, I'm Kida's girlfriend and Deedee's best friend.
Mika: and I'm Deedee's girlfriend and kida's best friend.

Kida put his arm around Kira and kissed the top of her head and Dee poked my cheek and hugged me.
Tahani was shook and Tati looked sad.
Tyranca: let's go inside guys!
Mika: yeah, let's go into my house, with my rules.

We went in and Hannah gasped and nudged Mia. Mia nudged Kyree, who nudged Dean.
Dean: who let the dog's out?
E/b except Mr and Mrs Andrews and Tati and Tahani: RUFF RUFF RUFF RUFF!!!
Yara: 😂😂
Faer: 😁😁😁😁
Mika:dad, you're smiling?
Faer: correction dear, I'm laughin!
Tahani: good afternoon Faer and Yara.
Faer: call me Mr Andrews. And call my wife Mrs Andrews.
Yara: don't call elders by their first name dear, its rude.
Kida: that was savage Mr Andrews...
Faer: Dean, Kida, Donielle, Kyree. Please. Call me Faer.
Yara: and don't hesitate to call me Yara,
Boys: 😰😰😌😫yes sir, yes ma'am.
Tati: g-good afternoon.
Yara: Tati!come give me a hug!
Tahani: do I get a hug?
Yara: i don't think so....

*after the lunch*
Dean: we better be going. Thanks for having us, Mr- I mean Faer and Yara.
Yara: come again dear!
Faer: maybe we can ride the dirt hikes next time.
Mika: you shouldn't have told then that, now they'll want to come all the time.
Hannah: bye, Yara! Bye Faer!
Kira: see you soon!
Mia: don't miss our first concert!
Dean: well send you the tickets.
Kida: i hope you'll mark it!
Kyree: its gonna be cool!
Dee: give us feed back when you here the single!
Faer: definately
Yara: well spread the word!
Tyranca: here Kida. ..

She gave him her number.
Kida: Oh,, thanks?
Tyranca: call me?
Kida: .......
Tati: Oh, and Dee, could you text me later? Or maybe Skype?
Dee: yeah...Mika and I will see if we can...
Mika: Yeah
Tati: Um...... I meant just Dee
Dee:um sorry GIRLIE to you,I its Doniel. D-O-N-I-E-L. My best friends the only one that calls me Dee.
Tate: Ummm....... bye
Tahani: *glaring at Kida and Kira*
Kida: Girl you gotta problem with this cause all you been doing is glaring
Tahani: I can believe you stooped so low to date someone like her *glaring at Kira*
Kira: Girl you is got me mad now, how you gonna say that its not my fault that he left you because you don't look like you is growing
Kida: Ouch

Mika: okay, can we just leave now?
Dee: this is getting tense.
Tyranca: bye Kida!
Mika: you didn't even say bye to me....your own sister....
Tyranca: Yeah Yeah.... Don't forget to call me Kida
Kida: Oh I already forgot
Kira: Monitoring Spirit
Tyranca: Bye

*Later at home
Kira's POV
Kida: I think imma finally text Tyranca
Kira: Really
Kida: Yeah but you do it 😂😂
Kira: Devious little plan 😂😂
Kida: Here *hands her his phone*
Kira: 4 messages already *looking at his phone*

Tyranca: Hi Kida
Tyranca: I'm waiting on your call
Tyranca: And text
Tyranca: And probably Ft.
Kida: Hey
Tyranca: Oh hey finally, you couldn't keep away could you
Kida: Actually I was watching this show about this ugly girl with no life and I suddenly thought of you
Tyranca: Huh? Are you sure you ain't texting Kira
Kida: readdddd thiss upsideee down... n0h 3+VH I
Tyranca: Well that was rude, you sure you not texting Kira
Kida: Point of Correction this is Kira
Tyranca: You stupid
Kida: You sure you wanna say dat
Tyranca: Huh you are at least 30 minutes an way by drive how you gonna get me you know what I'm at home come hit me
End of Convo

Then I go to Mika room and tell her to call her dad

Kira: Calll your dad and tell him to tell Tyranca to leave Kida alone
Mika: Ok she doing that again
Kira: Yup

Mika's POV

Call Convo
Mika: Hey Daddy pop.
Faer: Hey you missing us already
Mika: Yeah, I guess, but i need you to go up to Tyranca's room and read her chat with Kida. Kira's orders.
Faer: She doing that again
Mika: Yup. Well, bye. Love you!
Faer: love you too
End of Call Convo

Mika: ahhh, we'd better start writing the song. C'mon guys were gping to the coffee shop!

See tto guys through the screen!

Mistletoe_TRST xxx

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