Chapter 13 - Meeting him

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We got dressed and headed to my car. I was shaking and I just wanted to cry. I whimpered, and my friends hugged me. They knew I had stage fright.
Hannah: you'll be okay!
Kira: and I can go for ice-cream afterwards if you'd like!
Mia: AND I'll pay for extra toppings!
Kidq: 😂😂the way to Mika's heart is through her stomach, note that Dee.
Deedee: Kida if you don't shut the-
Kyree: hey Mika, do you have a crush on Deedee, Kida, Dean or me?
Mika: 😨😨😳😖
Deedee: Ky!
Kira, Mia and Hannah : 😂😂😂
Mika: I think I'm gonna puke


We got to Mindari Headquarters and I wanted to die on the spot. I stumbled in my step as the eight of us (what a crowd) walked towards the large black gates.
I pressed the black walkie-talkie thingy in the wall and a voice said: who are you and state your purpose like I was here to kill Mr Mindari.
Mika: my name is Mika Andrews...

The doors opened and we stepped in, first seeing the water fountain ⛲ then the big marble statues of Mr Mindari. There was a g-wagon, a limo and Ferrari parked by the side and standing in front of the doors was Mr Mindari himself, a thin later of velvet covering his pot belly kver his suit and tie. Don't forget the gold chains and the piercings!

Gosh, he's much more intimidating in person.

redriko: Mika! Darling! Come, and I see you came with an enterage (IDK how to spell it 😂)
Mika: actually Mr Mindari these are my friends, Mia, Kira, Hannah, Dean, Donielle, Kida and Kyree.
Fredriko: oh, please. Mr Mindari is my father. Call me Fred. Let's go to my office to sign some contracts. But do anything of your friends sing too?
Mika: actually, Hannah, Mia, Kira and I have been singing together since the 8th grade
Fredriko: amazing! A girl group! This could earn millions! Come, come. Let's sign those papers, record some song and make a music video that'll shake the world!!

We went in and if course it was fancy. With the chandelier, black rugs, marble pillars and snobby people in fancy suits looking down on us.
Dee, all of a sudden, held my hand again and this time I squeezed it for comfort.
Mika: *whispers to Dee* thanks

He smiles in return as we all squeeze into the elevator and go up to Fred's office.
When we got there, there was a stack of papers on a glass table, along with a big beige couch and a STACK OF PIZZA ROLLS.
Fredriko: there are extra copies for the girls. Boys, I'll like to talk to you alone. Girls, hell yourself to the snacks.

The moment he went we all squealed.
Mia: we're gonna be famous!
Hannah: my dreams have come true!
Kira: we have to call our families! Mika, aren't you gonna say som- oh....
Mia: classic Mika.

I had started eating the pizza rolls. They were real good.
Mika: *licks fingers* OK, let's sign some papers

We write and signed, after reading if course, and took pics if the papers, just in case, then waited for Fred and the guys to come back.

They white can back first and they were also holding contracts and smiling!
Deedee, Kyree and Deedee: we're gonna be in your music video!
Dean: I'm gonna DIRECT the video

Boy, am I glad I wrote this. I currently have a cold and head ache and I just want to have a nap but my head is pounding! Hope you like it!

Anime_TRST x

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