Chapter 5 - Gotta play it cool

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I'm freaking out in the bathroom right now. My friends have been banging on it, telling me to let them in for hours, but I've just sat there crying.
Everyone knows how emotional I get when I fail.

Kira: c'mon 'Miks!!!
Mia: it's getting really awkward out here
Hannah: I need you to be my wingwoman.
Mika: *sniffing* ch-chicken wings?
Mia: I'll buy you some if you come out!

I slowly came out, sniffing. My hair was frizzy, my nose running and my mascara running.
Mika: w-where are my wings?
E/b: ayyyyeeee she's baaack

I was blushing and we went back and packed our stuff, avoiding Kida and Deedee.
We drove home and I ordered a pizza and we watched KUNG-FU PANDA 🐼 (A/N: actually my favourite movie)
Mika: oh my god like if I don't marry Poh, if can't have Poh as my hubby I may just die.
Hannah: you realise he's a panda right?
Mika: then we'll have cute panda/human babies, duh

*diiing dooong*
Kira: I'll get it
E/b else: we weren't gonna get up anyways

I went upstairs to play some Minecraft, thinking it was J'den or sum so...
*20 mins later*

I heard Kira's laughs downstairs and then a much deeper one
By now I had changed into short shorts and a tube top.
A knock on my door came and it was Mia.
Mia: someone wants to see you

I went down the stairs.
Mika: if it's J'den wanting my lipstick tell her that-

And there they were - those guys from the beach.
Mika: oh my god, it's Kisha, Deedee and Dean.
Kida: itssss.... KIDA
Mika: potato potahtoe.
Kida: no... Potato KIDA
Mia: uh, I thought you guys wanted to see Mika to ask her a question?

I blushed. What were they up to?
Deedee: Welllllll.... We kinda stalked you guys online.... And who knew your house was 6 houses away from ours?
Mika: oh, okayy
Kida: we have already asked your friends, and they said they'd do it if you did.... We wanted to ask.....
Mika: yeahhh
Kida: iffff....
Mika: spit it out😡😡
Kida: wewantedtoaskifyoudliketodancewithussometimeandbeinourvideos
Mika: what? I didn't hear anything you just said.
Deedee: ☺ he said he wants you and your friends to join our dancing crew.
Mika: but we already dance for Tessy. And besides, I can't even animate. Take my friends. I'm rubbish.
Kida: we need all four of you.
Hannah: that sounds so wierd
Kira: pweeeeeease 'Miks?
Mika: absolutely no-
Mia: we'll buy you anything you want for a week!
Mika: do we need to sign an contract!
Kira: it's gonna be so great working with you guys!

Kida went to stand between Mia and Kira and smiled, looking at them, them staring at me expectantly.
Kida: yes it will. I can't wait for Savannah to meet you
Mika: yeah.... Me too

Deedee cleared his throat
Deedee: so are you gonna change so we can get going?
Mika: were going right now? I can-

I got grabbed before I could say no.
Mia: well be right back boys! Make yourself at home!

Oh, god. I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life.

That's all I have to say.....

Wait for it...

Nah, I got nothing!
Bye, tho!

Anime_TRST x

Start It All Over Again (A Kidathegreat ♡ Lildeedee fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now