Chapter 2 - Dance, Coffee and Cuties

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Bre's name is actually Kira. Sorry for the mix up ☺

We drove to dance class and ran into the hall, luckily people were just warming up.

Tessy: Mika, Bre, Hannah and Mia! How nice you came to join us! After 7 whole minutes!
Kira: just. SEVEN. MINUTES?
Tessy: you're lucky I don't put you guys in probation. You guys are my best dancers. Don't let it go to your head. 50 frog jumps, asap!
Mia: oh crud
Hannah: kill me now
Mika: if I die of utter exhaustion, bury me in Oreos.
Kira: *puts her hand on Mika's shoulder* your pleads have been heard
Tessy: less talky, more jumpy!

So me and the girls spent 10 minutes doing frog jumps (with me falling over over and over again!) and then joined the rest of the class with sore knees, thighs and ankles.

Hannah: Tessy, we're done with the frog jumps.
Tessy: good, now join the rest and get ready to do the routine we've been practising for the past 7 weeks.

*we get in line*
Tessy: and a five, six, seven, eight!


Mika: I still have to work on my animating.
Kira: you'll get it soon, 'Miks (nickname)
Hannah: and besides no-one's better than you when it comes to body movements!
Mia: I love you and all, 'Miks, but I really need to get back home and have a nap.
Mika: * laughs* yeah and I need to get home to eat some OREOS
Kira: Starbucks, anybody?
Hannah: nothing better than expensive coffee after a tiring day at dance class.
Mia: I second that

*at starbucks*
We walked in and loved the feel of a.c on our sweaty skin.
Mika: I'll get us a seat. You guys go get the coffee.
Mia: k, bye

I walked past a girl staring at her phone with googoo eyes and decided to find out what it was.
Mika: hi. I'm Mika.
Girl: *looking annoyed* hi. My named Jasmine.
Mika: nice to meet you. I just wanted to ask, what were you smiling at your phone like that? Not to be nosy it anything...
Jasmine: oh!! Just looking at a vid of my future husband!
Mika: you're engaged?
Jasmine: *laughs* no, it's Kida
Mika: who?

Her phone dinged.
Jasmine: sorry, I have to go. Nice to meet you, Mika. See you around!
Mika: yeah....

I went to join the rest at a table and crabbed my drink.
Mia: who was that?
Mika: oh, this girl was watching a video of this guy. His name was Kida, I think?
Hannah: oh, you mean this guy?

Kira: oooh, dang!Mia: who is that? Hannah: he's cute, right? Mika: he looks familiar

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Kira: oooh, dang!
Mia: who is that?
Hannah: he's cute, right?
Mika: he looks familiar.
Hannah: do you know who he is? He won So You Think You Can Dance.
Kira: that dancing show?
Mia: yeah, the one we saw some time ago.
Mika: well, we need to get home. We still need to go out for brunch later on.
Mia: yeah, we should.
Kira: I'll drive!

/b: no....
Hannah: oh. Okay. Yeah. Cool.

Nothing to say. Just wanted to turn up :-P....

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