Jungkook muttered before running into the kitchen.

After all the luggage had been loaded in a separate carriage I tried to find where Jungkook was.

I knocked on his cabin door where I heard muffled sounds of conversation.

Jungkook opened the door slightly and finding me there, jumped out.

"Just go ahead and inform Yoongi hyung that there has been some delay and that Jin hyung and I will be with them a little later. Can you please find out the address of where we will be staying? I will bring Jin hyung."

"What delay?"

I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, I will find a better time to tell you, until then can you please inform them of our late arrival?"

I went back to Yoongi hyung still doubtful in my mind of what Jungkook was hiding from me.

I found out where we were to stay and summoned a worker to go and inform Jungkook.

We sat in a carriage, and all the while Namjoon talked about his work and explained how trading in Europe works.

"I am one of the few Koreans here who work here to help with translation and communication between traders and merchants. I am one myself and so I am considered as a potential advisor during price negotiation. However as Yoongi made it clear I will just be here as a guide for you throughout Europe."

Yoongi explained to him of our expected selling price and what other goods we are interested in buying and also asking about the currency exchange between the two or more parties.

All the while Namjoon nodded, attentively listening.

His aura and persona just stood out as a confident person and a very intelligent one that too as he seemed well versed with the art of trading in Europe.

Soon the carriage came to a halt and Namjoon invited us inside his house. It was similar to the size of houses back in Korea but the architectural style was different, however it was sophisticated and matched the typical western taste.

"I have arranged for your workers to stay someplace else so you need not worry."

Namjoon assured when Yoongi inquired about our workers.

An hour passed by and soon enough Jungkook and Jin hyung came.

Namjoon greeted them, bowing low. He eyed Jin hyung, his mouth slightly open.

Jin hyung bowed low as well but there was a certain hesitation in his eyes.

"I shall show you your rooms."

Namjoon said, trying to remain as business like as he possibly could but I sensed an atmosphere of awkwardness surround him.

Jin hyung followed as if he just saw a ghost, nervously eyeing Namjoon for any sudden movement.

As Namjoon lead the way while climbing the stairs, he stumbled, almost falling. Jin hyung smirked and covered his smile with his hand. He shook his head as Namjoon apologized and continued up the stairs with his face beet red.

Later Namjoon left all four of us to settle down. He had seemed eager to take our leave as he rushed out the door almost knocking a vase down on the way out.

Jungkook kept eyeing Jin hyung nervously while Yoongi didn't seem to sense the tense aura.

"Jungkook, we need to talk."

I looked at him sternly, making sure he had no other choice.


Jungkook started, to get permission to go with me.

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