I notice her slightly squeeze his hand for reassurance, and I cant help but wander what they told each other yesterday. I shrug it off, clear as it isn't my business, and get to work.

"Okay, I'll get this end of the couch, Luke, care to help?" I ask, getting on one side of Naomi's beige couch. He nods, getting on the other and we move it to wear Naomi tells us too.

We all plop down on Naomi's new couch, looking around. The apartment has all the main pieces of furniture in it, and it already looks perfect.

"I have to go pretty." Luke says, getting up. Naomi nods, as he gives her a quick kiss before leaving. Once the door is shut and I know he can't hear us, I look at Naomi who is watching the door.

"Tell me everything!!" I exclaim, jumping slightly. She laughs, nodding.

"Okay, Fine. He took me to a beautiful park, then we ate and went on a walk. On the walk, I told him my entire story. Then he kissed me." She says, jumping and flailing her hands around. I squeal, demanding more details.

After I've gotten all the details, we decide it's time to go get Wyatt and get lunch before bringing him here. Naomi and I take her car back to her dads house to get Wyatt who has been waiting all day for this.

"Here is his bag." Her dad says, practically shoving it at Naomi's chest. I see Wyatt come running down the stairs, two more bags on his arms.

"I Ready Nay!!" I shouts, as we both laugh. I take his bags to the car, putting them in the trunk. I come back, and grab Wyatt, putting him in Naomi's car then head back to get Naomi. When I enter the house, Naomi and her dad are arguing in the kitchen.

"It's not like you even cared!" Naomi shouted.

"Of course I cared!! Y'all are my children!!" He shouts at her.

Nay: "No need for the act anymore. We're leaving you be. Leaving you to live the rest of your life. Alone. Just like you always wanted."

Her dad: "Thank god." (Under breath)

Nay: "Yeah. Me too."

Naomi comes storming out of the kitchen, a fake grin over taking her anger. I frown at her and she just shakes her head.

"Bye." She says, almost to herself as she turns and looks at the house she's grown up in. I can see her memories flash through her eyes, as a tear rolls down her cheek. I grip her shoulder, as she looks at me. "One more time." She mutters, heading up to her room. I nod, going out to Wyatt in the car.

"Where Nay?" He asks so innocently. I give him a weak grin, sighing.

"She had to grab something." I say, as she leaves the house, a small box in her hand. She climbs into the car, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.

"Ready bud?" She asks, as Wyatt jumps excitedly in his seat.

"Yes yes yes!!" He shouts as Naomi backs out.

We end up going straight tot he apartment because Wyatt couldn't contain his excitement. We arrive, and as soon as he is freed from his car seat, he races in. We laugh, grabbing his things and following him.

"Nay! Nay! Nay!" He says giddily.

"Naomi. Who is this cutie?" Ramona says, eyes twinkling at Wyatt.

"Ramona, this is my brother, and room mate, Wyatt." She says, grinning at him as he inspects everything. She laughs, nodding.

"He is surly a hyper one." She says, as we nod. We go up to Naomi's apartment, opening e door for Wyatt. He runs in, spinning in circles, looking at everything.

"Wow. Is this where we lif?" He questioned with his adorable lisp. Naomi stared at her brother with loving eyes, nodding.

"Yep. This is where we're living Wy." She says, pure and genuine happiness on her face. "Wanna see your room?" She asks, getting down to his level. His eyes light up, as he nods.

Naomi races to the door on the right, slowly opening it to reveal his room. It's a dinosaur theme, with a twin bed against the left wall that had dinosaurs all over the comforter. Next to it, is a side table that has a Dino lamp and a sound machine. His dresser in on the back wall, and has navy blue drawers, and Dino claws as the pulls. Finally, on the wall to the right, is his desk. A navy blue desk that has a study lamp and a black desk chair. Above it is his name in vinyl stickers. A large rug with a map of Jurassic Park is laid out on the floor, to finish off the room.

"I love it Nay!! Tanks!!" He says, a huge smile taking up half his face, as he attacks Naomi's legs. She laughs, leaning down and scooping him up.

"Your welcome bud." She says, kissing him. "I love you." She says, a serious look on her face. He nods, hugging her again.

"Wove you too!" He exclaims. We both laugh as Naomi puts him down and he runs off to another part of the apartment.

"Why is he the cutest?" I ask, sitting on the couch with her. She shrugs, turning on her tv. We hear the buzzer go off, and she gets up and heads to it.


"Luke is here to see you Naomi."

"Send him up."

"Not ten minuets later, Luke is knocking on the door, when she opens it.

"Mom!" Naomi exclaims when her mother appears beside Luke. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." She says, an affirmative tone in her voice. I stand up, going over to the door.

  Naomi's mom is a tall lady, standing at least 5'8 with light brown hair cut into a bob and piercing green eyes. She has this posture that gives off the look of confidence and authority with her broad and squared shoulders. You could say that Naomi looks like her mom, but, Naomi tends to keep a low profile, seeing to be closed off and quiet. She keeps to her self, her broad shoulders, slouching. I rarely see her square her shoulders, and now is one of those times. She take authority when it comes to her family and decisions.

  "I'm not a little girl mother. I don't need my mommy checking up in me. Heck, we haven't spoke in four years up until two days ago, and suddenly your so worried about me and Wyatt! It's just sad. Really. You left me when I need you most and then, when I'm finally getting my life back into some sort of order, you jump in and act like caring mom!! But guess what!! You're not!! So just go back to your husband and Lauren!! Your life was so perfect, so you might keep it that way and leave us out if it!" She yells, pulling Luke in and slamming the door.

  To say I'm stunned would be an understatement. Naomi takes a few shaky breaths, as Luke takes her hands, in his. She looks up at him, her eyes glossy. She falls into him, as his large arms wrap around her small frame, holding her close. She rests her head on his chest, crying.


Word Count: 1876

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