Arhaan pov

*The trial on*

"Your honour, as we know that Amanda's case in which she attempted suicide but that wasn't a suicide actually... Amanda herself declared that there was someone behind the scene who forced her to jump from the top of the building.." Mr.Robin says.

"..I have the evidence" he turns around to see me and I place it on his table.

"Jake!" I gesture at him.

".. Yes, your honour Jake... Jake is the evidence and I please you to call him in the statement box" Mr.Robin asks and gives a Lil bow.

Judge Carl accepts the order and
Jake comes in the statement box and he's done with all the formalities.

"Tell us what Amanda told you when she gained consciousness." Layer Robin asks him to say.

"Yes your honour, Amanda herself states that she didn't suicide but somebody forced her...when I visited her in ICU she was hesitating at some extent.. she cannot narrate me the whole story but I understand what she wanna say.." he claims and sighs.

"Thank you, Jake please come and take your seat," Mr Robin Lee says and Jake came to his seat and sits.

The opposition was so tough to get through but our layer is doing his best!! the pieces of evidence which were, the footage and the pictures everything suddenly got erased and he wasn't able to do anything and now he had to prove John as a culprit because he is!! I'm damm sure John is behind evaluating the evidence. I closed my eyes and inhaled Deeply trying to get calm.

I blankly stare at John without realizing that I'm actually staring at him from so long. I finally blinks and came back to my senses.

Here Mr.jackson is trying his best to prove him innocent.

"Your honour my prosecutor. Brett sudden gets into a health issue. So I would like you to please Mr Arhaan Khan to continue it." Mr.Robin asks the judge and the judge agrees.

I come near the statement box and the Robin takes his seat.

"So Mr.Arhaan do you have any pieces of evidence?" Mr.Jackon raises his brows looking at me immensely, in short giving me a look of pity.

I grind my teeth. "Your honour, as we know Amanda after gaining her consciousness stated that she did not commit suicide somebody forced her... And when Amanda was going to say who was it then suddenly nurse came in and informed Jake that there's a call for him at the front desk and is urgent and after that Jake went to receive.. however when he returned Amanda was losing her pulse.. the doctor said her brain is dead and at that time there were only two people in- Amanda and her elder brother John..." I narrate and looked at John.

"How come a person gaining her consciousness can suddenly have a braindead?" I add.

"Also when we want to do an autopsy the so-called elder brother John drops his crocodile tears and begged us not to take Amanda for the autopsy..." I pause.

"But for your kind information Amanda already sends for the autopsy" I announced and I can see John's and his lawyer's jaw drops.

I smirk.

"WHY!?" John yelled and stand.
"Why the hell did you do that Jake? How can you let them do an autopsy?" John yowls

Huh. This guy's acting skills are the worst.

"Shut the hell up!" Jake yells back.

"Keep it silent!everybody will get a chance to speak." The judge. Carl Bangs.

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