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I woke up in a small room. I looked around and saw medical supplies. I thought about taking some when I heard a door open. I looked up and saw the same man who stepped out of the truck before I blacked out.

I tensed up and looked around for some kind and of weapon. I saw a pair of scissors and grabbed them as quickly as I could.

I jumped up from the table and put as much distance between me and this man as humanly possible.

"Whoa whoa, calm down kid." The man said.

I eyed him suspiciously. "W-where am I?" I asked, my voice creaking from not being used very often in the last week or so.

"The sanctuary. The place I run." He said.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Negan. And you?" Negan asked me.

"Carl. Carl Grimes." I responded. "Well, Carl Grimes. How long have you been on your own?" Negan asked.

"About a week." I replied. "That's it? 'Cause I ain't gonna lie, you look like shit." Negan joked, I just shrugged it off

"I haven't exactly been able to shower at all." I snapped. The soreness of my throat got the better of me.

"Do you have any water?" I asked dropping the scissors to rub my neck. "I do." Negan answered.

"Can I have some?" I asked him getting irritated. "Of-fuckin'-course. Follow me." He said. Negan started walking and I had to all but run to keep up.

Negan led me to a kitchen with a few people in it. They all dropped to their knees when the saw Negan. I stayed by the doorway while Negan went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

He walked back over and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said quickly before unscrewing the cap and taking a huge drink. I heard Negan chuckle.

"Follow me kid, I got some questions for ya." Negan said before taking off walking again, not even checking if I was following.

I put the cap back on the bottle and power walked after Negan. He led me down several hallways and past several doors. How the hell does he remember where everything is in this huge place. I thought to myself.

Eventually he stopped at a set of double doors. He opened them and we both walked in. It was a fairly large bedroom. It was almost completely gray.

There was a freaking king sized bed in the room. How the hell did he get all this stuff. I wondered. There were even decorations, and impala head was mounted of the same wall as the door.

Negan sat down on a leather couch and gestured for me to sit down on chair across from him. I did as he wanted, I didn't want to piss him off, with a fucking barbedwire baseball bat, I figured he had the upper hand.

"Where are your people?" Negan asked me. I shrugged. "Georgia the last I know of. What state am I in? I didn't pay any attention to signs, prolly should have." I said.

"Your near DC now. How'd ya get separated from your group?" Negan asked.

"Um... Its kinda a long, screwed up story." I mumbled.

"Well, I got the fuckin' time, so tell me your long, screwed up story." Negan said.

"U-um.. Well about a year ago my group ran into some people, their leader called himself the Governor. He was insane. We beat him once, we thought he was dead. A few months had passed and everything was fine until a sickness broke out.

We were living in a prison, so it spread pretty damn fast. After people started getting better, the Governor came back with new people, they killed one of our friends, his name was Hershel. He cut his head off.

They had a tank and destroyed the prison, we got separated. We found these signs, they said 'Termamis sanctuary for all.' It was a lie. They were cannibals. They were gonna kill us. Someone somehow made something blow up, my dad told me to run and not to look back.

So I did. And I ended up here." I said.

"Damn. That is some fucked up shit right there." Negan mumbled. I nodded. "Where's your mom in all this." He asked.

I felt a lump rise in my throat. I looked at the floor and said nothing. "How'd it happen?" Negan asked gently. "S-she.. She died giving birth to my sister.." I said choking back tears.

"Where's your sister?" He asked.

"Dead..my dad and I.. We found her car seat bloody when the governor attacked.." I said. I felt tear slipping down my cheeks. I had forced myself to stop thinking about Judith.

"What was her name?" Negan asked softly. "Judith.." I told him. "My dad was close to insane when my mom died, so I had to name her." I added.

"That's fucked up kid.. I'm sorry all that happened to you. How old are you?" Negan asked.

"16.. I think. Somewhere around that area." I told him. "Well Carl. Seeing as you have no where else to go, and I have somewhere to be, you can stay here. I'll sort out a room for you." Negan said before quickly standing up and walking out of the room.

(A\N It is lowkey colder than a warlock's ball sack (quote daddy himself) in my house and it smells like Landry soap, not complaining about the smell. BUT ITS FUCKING COLD!!!!!)

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