"Niall is the best boyfriend ever!" I screeched laughing.

"Thank you." He grinned before pecking my cheek with a soft kiss.

"Anyways like I was saying before I was was rudely interrupted" I paused to give Niall a joking dirty look. "Cody is very nice and he's not a man whore or any of that stuff."

"We all like him. Well except Ela but she'll get over it." Lauren explained to the group.

We all glanced over at the far corner of the room. Ela and Harry seemed to be off in their own world, not listening to a word of what any of what we were saying.

"Isn't that right Ela?" Maura yelled over to her, throwing a pillow to gain her attention.

The unsuspecting blonde poked her head out from under the blanket.


"You agree right?" Maura nodded her head.

"Yeah, sure." Ela shrugged before returning to her previous position.

"Well, if you like him then he must be a good guy." Liam smiled over at Lauren before smiling over at the rest of us.

"Thank Liam." She kissed his cheek.

"That makes two of us." Niall whispered softly into my ear.

"Except I still don't like Mick even though you think he's a good guy but that's over with."

I shook my head trying to suppress my smile.

"Whatever you say Niall."


Ela's pov

I scrunched my eyes closed even tighter From just waking up. So drugged with pure sleep, I reached out trying to slam the button on my alarm clock off. At least I thought it was my alarm clock. I was too tired to put much thought into what else it could be. However my quickly made assumption was shut down as my hand came into direct contact with a toned chest.

My immediate thoughts were Harry. This time I was correct.

"Good morning baby." He whispered delicately pressing a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

"Harry?" I questioned gripping at his shirt to pull him closer to me.

Without hesitation he climbed into the covers with me.

"What are you doing here at-" I squinted my eyes open and glanced at the alarm clock "four in the morning?"

A smug grin sprawled out across his face.

"Remember how I said I couldn't stay the night becasue I had a big meeting in the morning?" He questioned tracing my bottom lip with his finger.

I nodded, still to dazed from slumber to properly reply.

"That meeting is with you."

I scrunched my eyebrows up in utter confusion.


"Pack your bags, becasue we're going on vacation." He grinned like a child.

I perked up.

"Wait, vacation?"

"Yup. Jet leaves in an hour. That's why I had to wake you up so early, sorry about that by the way, but we wanted to avoid the paps."

His innocent and excited kid like expression warmed my heart to the core. Still though, thoughts of my obligations surfaced to mind, immediately dismissing the possibility of going on a vacation with him.

"Harry I would love to but-"

"It's all taken care of babe. Melinda cleared your schedule for the week. Just you, me, and a nice big bed." He winked over at me. I gasped covering my mouth with my hand. "Oh and the rest of the group."

I suddenly felt bursted wide awake with excitement.

"Harry!" I swatted at his arm grinning like a kid on Christmas.

"Were just going to a small beach, so hopefully not too much press."

"When do we leave?"

"Two hours."

My eyes widened but I quickly recovered. With my schedule I was used to on the run packing.

Quickly I climbed ontop of Harry gripping both his biceps. My legs straddled his waist as my nose nudged his.

"You are the best boyfriend ever and I love you."

Bright green eyes lite up in delight. Delicately but firmly his hands gripped my legs as he pushed me even closer to his body.

"It's only because I love you so much." Again our noses nudged together playfully. I could feel his soft warm breath dance across my face. His gentle lips brushed mine continuously without ever fully touching.

"Do I make you happy?"

The whisper off his lips could barely be heard. I myself wouldn't have heard it unless I was as close to him as i was now.

How couldn't he make me happy? The love Harry showed and felt for me was palpable. It was my silent protector that willed me to continue. His love game me strength to go on.

"Harry, you make me so happy." I spoke honestly, really meaning it. "Not for the trips or money either. Just you. Just being with you." I whispered back before fully pressing my lips against his.

Slowly my hands moved from his biceps up to rest against his chest. My fingers graced across his collarbones. The small silver chain he wore tangled between my fingers.

"Are you fucking serious?!" A happy shouting was heard from the other side of my closed door.


"I'm guessing Zayn has informed Maura." Harry smirked.

"One week with ten of us crammed into a house? This should be interesting.." I mused raising an eyebrow up.

"Not to worry. We have some perks."

His thumb circled my knee cap mindlessly.

"We?" I questioned.

"You and I." He nodded.

I tilted my head in confusion like a lost puppy.

"Why us?"

"Well I'm the one who originated the whole idea. Kinda planned it too. So I got us the more secluded, private if you will, section of the house."

My features softened as he explained.

"Harry you thought of this?" I rested my hand against his cheek.

"I thought you might like it."

We were back to whispers. He stared up at me, wide eyed like a baby deer.

My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute.

"That is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me Harry."

Tears pricked at my eyes at his compassion. I have never felt so loved and wanted before in my life. The foreign feeling was something I never wanted to let go.

"So you like the idea?"

"I love the idea."

We both paused. Each of us just taking a moment to look into each other's eyes. By this time, I could memorize the specific details and features of Harry's face.

"Good." He beamed out of pure relief. "I was waiting so long to tell you. Now, let's get you all packed up, yeah? We leave soon!"

I pecked him on the lips one more time before retracting myself from my straddling position as I moved to grab my luggage.

"Although you won't really need much clothing if you know what I mean." He paused from rummaging around in my drawers to wink over at me.

I raised an eyebrow playfully at him.

"You wish Styles."

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