"The real fear was our misplaced trust."

Kurai stepped back, Akio assumed it was out of fear. It would be logical to assume that the twins advantage was what they knew about Akio and Akira, without it they were a lot smaller, a lot less frightening. She turned to run.

But she said it before, she was only small, it took nothing but a few strides for Akio to catch up with her.

"I'm not going to let you run," he stopped in front of her, "there's some points for my team here."

She sniffled, "but I don't want to get hurt."

"Then forfeit."


"Forfeit, give up." Akio scratched the back of his head, "to be honest I don't really wanna hurt a little kid either."

She sniffled a little more before collapsing onto to the floor and falling onto her knees. "Fine I forfeit, I forfeit to Purpura Caelum."

A sort of underwhelmed announcement above them made her forfeit official, and Akio sighed with relief. He smiled a little, up to the sky and down then to Kurai below him. "If I can give you a piece of advice, you don't have to act all creepy and intimidating all the time, I bet you're a sweeter kid when you're not acting."

Kurai said nothing, instead looked up at him, in some sort of awe.

Meanwhile, you were left with Hikari, and he was sulking.

"I don't want to be left with you!" He crossed his arms angrily. "My magic doesn't work against you!"

You made an apathetic remark as you swung your sword at him. He was only little, so you felt a little guilty. But then again, he had hurt Akira and Akio. The child continued to sulk and attempted to punch you, quickly you moved your sword in the way. The sharp end. That left a bleeding indent on his knuckle.

He cried and jumped back. Grabbing his hand as if you'd stabbed him in the chest. You didn't mean to hurt him that much, it was a tactic you had used in other enemy's as a sort of warning about your reflexes. Whatever it was, it worked on this child.

"It hurts! It hurts!" He sobbed, falling backwards when he rushed to get away. "I'm done I'm finished!"

Another muffled and disappointed announcement filled the air.

"That was, um, simple." You placed your sword back into your sheath, and took a step away, making an effort to look around for Akio.

Hikari cried, spurting things out like, "Kokuzo will be so mad at me." And "I'm so weak." Nothing enough to make you feel overly guilty. You did however considered consoling him, giving him a but of advice before you left. "Buts it not over yet." He scoffed before you could get a word in. "You have one more opponent."

"Wait what-."

You jumped back instantly, an attack from your right side caught you immediately off guard, causing a dodgy landing on your part. A sharp pain in your ankle proved this.

Jasmine, was covered in bruises, but she didn't seem to be making any objections to attacking you right know. She was fast, and she didn't respond to your attacks. Behind her was another creepy looking child, he strolled casually along the sun tinted pavement, the sky seemed to match his eyes. Your main observation was, that it was actually two opponents, but you weren't going to criticise a little kid for his counting skills. Jasmine said nothing, just joined him at his side with her arms hanging off her shoulders.

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