Wonder Woman -Dean

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Sorry guys, but... SMUT.
And feels. Feeeels.

Dean got in the car next to you on the passenger seat. He was upset because you went on a hunt alone with Sam. He said it was because you were still in training and were more of a distraction than a help for Sammy.

That was when you lost it and got into the car turning the music up.

,,Y/n. You know I should've been around, keeping you and Sam save. Especially you."
,,Damn it Dean! You only see me as a less good hunter because I'm not as much of a fighting dick like you! I CAN SAVE MYSELF AND CAN HELP SAM. And probably you too." You spoke the last sentence not as loud as the rest of it.

,,Oh you couldn't. Because I wouldn't even let it come to that. We hunted without you once and still are alive!" He rolled his eyes.

He didn't know how much that hurted you.
,,So your life was easier without me?..." You said with sadness in your still angry voice.

He haven't noticed you're being hurt like that, so he just kept talking shit.
,,Yeah, actually. I mean Sam is always distracted and I have to save both of your asses!" He replied with eyes on the road not realizing a tear rolling down your already red cheek.

You didn't answered turning to the window. Watching the bunker coming closer.

Right after he stopped the Impala you got out slamming the door, leaving a angry Dean, still sitting in his seat, behind. ,,Hey! Leave my baby out of it!"

You started running your way to the bunker, changing Deans facial expression from angry to confused.
Wow she get's way too much into it. He tought.

Inside you stormed pass Sam.
,,Y/n, what happened? You cried didn't you?" He asked while getting up as fast as he could, hugging you.

,,Ugh Sam, Dean is such an asshole! H-He said your life was better without me. His... His life was better."

Sam didn't know how to reply and just rubbed your back kissing your head.
,,Y/n, my life wasn't better without you. And Dean... He was never better at hunting."

,,Yeah because he has to save me all the time!"

,,No Y/n. Because he wants to impress you. And he is madly worried."
You looked into his face, lost in your thoughts about Dean.

In that moment the front door opened and Dean looked even more pissed at the sight of you two.
He slammed his bag into a corner of the room and stormed pass you, the hall down to his room.

You followed, you wanted to know if he really meant all things he said. You hoped he was really just worried like Sam told you.

,,Dean?" You asked softly opening the door.
,,What now huh? You wanna fight about my bag in the hall now? Or you wanna go hunting with Sam, playing Wonder Woman?!"

,,Dean, I just... You're lives were better without me, you said. Is it-"

,,Ohh right. You wanna fight about how you made our lives better, or how happy we should be by being saved by you? Or how perfect Sam is?!"

,,What the hell Dean! Sam, perfect?! Why?!... I just wanted to apologize, you ass!
Anyways, you don't get it! You said your fucking life was better without me! You meant my whole being! My presence! Not just me getting on your nervs at hunts!
You know why it makes me mad?! Because it hurts! And it hurts because you are too blind to see that I care about your opinion more than about anyone elses!
That I care about you!
That I want you." You said the last sentence again not as loud as the rest of it.

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