Chapter 37 : The Truth

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Mary the swords woman, Sissy Potter the heroine, the two ugly members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang all woke up in the elven dungeon made of stone and roots meshed together. The bars of the prison they were all in were made of entwined small tree trunks. When they all woke up there was no one there. All of them shouted but no one responded to their shouts.

Out of the shadow, Gerald the elf appeared carrying a giant green bag. Jack saw him and rushed towards the wooden bars of the prison.

"Why are you here ?! Are you here to gloat ?! Where is Samantha ?!", Jack shouted out in anger.

"Please calm down. Before I set you free, you have to know the truth about the elven Kingdom.", Gerald the elf said sadly as he looked down on the stone floor.

"So spit it out what is the truth ?! And where is Princess Samantha ?!", Jack shouted out as the rest of the prisoners in the jail cell had gathered around the wooden bars to listen to Gerald the elf.

"A long time ago, the elven Kingdom's royalty made a deal with a golden dragon. The deal was that the golden dragon would protect the elven Kingdom and in return the elven royalty would give them a female high elf or an elf princess after ten thousand years. It is ten thousand years now and we the elven Kingdom have to fulfill our promise to the golden dragon or the golden dragon would destroy the elven Kingdom. The light you saw killing the goblins was the golden dragons golden breathe killing the goblins. You could not see the golden dragon because it was flying in the sky.", Gerald the elf said sadly.

"And where is Princess Sam ?!", Sissy Potter, Mary and Jack cried out at the same time.

"Princess Samantha is chained outside the walls of the elven Kingdom on a stone table to be sacrificed to the golden dragon.", Gerald the elf said as he released them from their prison by twisting a wooden key to the cell. The wooden bars disappeared.

"What !?", everyone in the cell shouted in shock.

"Here are your weapons. I will bring you to Princess Sam. Please rescue her and kill the golden dragon.", Gerald the elf said as he threw the giant green bag at them.

"Why are you helping us ?", Mary the swords woman asked Gerald the elf.

"That's because I love Princess Samantha.", Gerald the elf said passionately.

"Then why did you drug her and all of us ?", Mary the swords woman asked Gerald the elf.

"Because that's the only way I could think of saving both Princess Samantha and the elven Kingdom. I am sorry.", Gerald the elf said while looking down on the floor.

"So did the Royal family know about this deal with the golden dragon ?", Sissy Potter the heroine asked Gerald the elf as she moved out her cell and took her sword of truth.

"I think the royal family knew about it. That's why they sent their daughter the elf princess out of the elven Kingdom. They probably knew that only death awaited their child if she had stayed here. That's why I don't think it was a kidnapping but a rescue operation by one of the Elf King's most trusted aide. I think the elf King and Queen killed themselves for the sake of the elven Kingdom and their child. If there is no princess and no royalty left in the elven Kingdom, the golden dragon cannot blame the elves as they did not know about this deal. But the council of elder elves knew about it. And they wanted to fulfill that promise.", Gerald the elf said as he stared down at the floor sadly as everyone got ready to face the golden dragon.

The beautiful Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom was still chained to the stone table could now see the giant monster stepping out of the shadow, it was a golden dragon. The eyes of the golden dragon now looked golden and not red. The golden dragon was gold in color and huge. Maybe as tall as a twenty storey building. In truth the golden dragon had the ability to change its size and it could grow bigger or shrink smaller. Princess Sam could see the sharp serrated teeth of the golden dragon.

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