Chapter 36 : Trap

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The council of elder elves brought Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom and her companions to their respective rooms to rest after a tiring day. There were cheers from the elvish citizens in the elven Kingdom upon seeing Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom. There were also a lot of wolf whistles and nose bleeds by the elves after seeing Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom.

The council of elders elves led Princess Sam to their rooms but as usual Mary and Sissy Potter insisted on sharing a room with Princess Sam. The council of elder elves at first objected but after much insistence from Mary and Sissy Potter and agreement from Princess Sam, the council of elders assented to their request. As usual Mary and Sissy Potter gave Princess Sam her lewd good night kiss. There were two elven guards proudly guarding Princess Sam's room. As for Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom's companions they were shown to their beautiful rooms made of green moss and bricks inside a tall hollow tree. For Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom, her room was extra special, it was located inside the brick and roots castle and fortified by powerful elven magic.

Gerald the elf was summoned by the council of elders to a special meeting. When he arrived at the special room with bricks and shining green moss, he was greeted by the council of elder elves.

"Welcome, Gerald, have a seat.", one male elf elder said nonchalantly.

"Thank you.", Gerald the elf said as he sat down.

"We need to discuss something.", one female elf elder said seriously.

As the meeting continued, there were shouts and arguments between Gerald the elf and the council of elder elves. Finally the meeting ended.

"We know you like her. We like her too but this concerns the safety and lives of every elf in the elven Kingdom. Will you do it ?", a male elf elder asked Gerald the elf.

"I will do it. I will betray Princess Sam.", Gerald the elf said sadly.

Morning came and Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom was woken up as usual by Mary and Sissy Potter with their lewd kisses. Princess Sam had pretty much accepted that she was going to be female forever and wanted to see how she could live her life from now on. As she got up, she brushed her teeth and changed her clothes and hummed a merry tune. Mary and Sissy Potter got up and got changed too.

"Why are you so happy Sam... oops Princess Samantha ?", Mary the swords woman asked happily.

"Yes, why are you so happy ?", Sissy Potter the heroine asked as well while looking at Princess Sam.

"I think I have pretty much accepted that I will be female forever. I have accepted it. I don't think anything else worse than this can happen to me.", Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom said as she smiled at everyone.

Princess Sam glided with her friends Mary and Sissy Potter to the castles breakfast room. There at the castles' breakfast room she saw her friends and companions there eating breakfast. The two ugly members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang were all enjoying their breakfast. Only Gerald the elf seem sore and was looking at their group having breakfast. It seems Gerald the elf had not touched or eaten anything.

"Good morning Gerald.", Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom greeted Gerald the elf.

"Um. Good morning.", Gerald the elf said as he avoided eye contact with Princess Sam.

Mary and Sissy Potter started having their breakfast at the breakfast table and signaled Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom to join them. Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom was soon sitting down and enjoying her breakfast.

Gerald the elf was still staring at them eating breakfast glumly while not eating or drinking anything.

After finishing breakfast Princess Sam was feeling sleepy, extremely sleepy, she could not keep her eyes open as she noticed both Mary and Sissy Potter had fallen asleep on the breakfast table. In fact all her friends and companions had fallen asleep in the breakfast room except for Gerald the elf.

"Why ?", Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom cried out weakly.

"I am sorry.", that was the last thing Princess Sam heard from the lips of Gerald the elf before she fell asleep on the breakfast table.

Princess Sam awoke in the middle of the night.  She felt her arms and legs were chained to a stone table. It was like she was a sacrifice for a monster. She felt that her clothes had been changed to something white, thin and see through. She looked absolutely sexy to the point that any male seeing her now would rape her on the spot without hesitation. Twisting her head, Princess Sam looked around, she could see two red eyes in the darkness. She could see sharp giant teeth in the shadow. It was something huge, something bigger than a whale which she saw on Earth during one of her holidays. (Remember Princess Sam had gone to Earth before to help Goddess of Creation Sarah)

The red eyes and sharp teeth in the shadow spoke out,

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! I am going to eat you virgin !".

To be continued.......

(Note : sorry for the short chapter but as I said before we are coming to the ending arc of the story, so please more stars readers and thank you)

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