Chapter 33 : Elven Kingdom

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The Goblin slave General looked sadly on as he could not disobey the slave collar put on him and the rest of his goblin comrades. He was passing through the forest near the Goblin Kingdom to the elven Kingdom to fulfill his new master's wish, King Frederick had wanted Elf slaves and these ten thousand goblins lead by him had to capture elf slaves for King Frederick. In his heart the Goblin slave General had wanted to visit his home, he knew his comrades had also wanted to visit their home, the Goblin Kingdom which borders the elven Kingdom. But he could not disobey the slave collar and the only thing he could do was march on as tears streamed from his face. As the scenery of the green lush forest with thatched roofs vanished from the Goblin slave army's sight, sobs and cries of sadness could be heard from the Goblin slave army.

In the Goblin Kingdom, there were few male goblins left, most of the population now consists of female goblins. There was a lack of male goblins because the Goblin King had taken a large all male army out of the Goblin Kingdom and none of them had come back. In fact due to the lack of males, a new Goblin Queen had been appointed to lead the goblins of the Goblin Kingdom.

There was a group of Adventurers in the Goblin Kingdom, five male Adventurers and one female Adventurer. The female was a witch, as for the male we had a knight, an archer, a magic swords man, a shield holder and a priest. They had come to this region under a request from the Adventurers Guild to get a rare herb that only grows in this region, now they were fighting for their lives surrounded by hundreds of goblins.

"Don't worry, the most they would do is kill you men. As for me a female, I will be taken prisoner and ravished by the goblins. Oh, poor me.", the female witch said as she cast her fireball at the goblins.

"Men, we have to fight harder or it will be our deaths here !", The knight shouted out in fear.

They all knew of the stories of the previous Adventurers that goblins killed all the men in horrible ways and that the human women were taken as sex slaves and breeders.

"Sigh, looks like we can't break through. It's been nice knowing you men.", the female witch said with a smirk.

"Damn it ! Men ! Fight harder !", The knight shouted out desperately as he cut a goblin with his sword.

There appeared a leader of the goblin clad in full armor riding a giant wolf. The Goblin leader appeared to be a giant Goblin, looking regal and fierce.

The men all gulped as they wondered if it was the Goblin King. And the female witch smiled coolly.

"Goblins kill all the women and capture all the men alive !", The giant Goblin leader clad in full armor shouted out.

"Eh ! Eh .....!", the female witch shouted out.

"Um, guess we can relax a bit....", the knight said to his men.

"Fight harder you fools !", the female witch shouted out as she threw a huge fire ball at the goblins.

For your information the Adventurers managed to escape the goblins with their lives and body intact thanks to the huge magic fireball the female witch kept firing. It was also the last time the female witch entered goblin territory. As for the men Adventurers, they went back many times after this incident. But that is another story.

We now continue with Sam the elf's journey to the elven Kingdom with her companions, Mary the swords woman, Sissy Potter the heroine, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two ugly members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang. They had walked through the forest as Geraldine showed them the secret elven path to the elven Kingdom. While walking to the secret elven Kingdom they were talking.

"Um. Sam. What do you think of me ?", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf asked Sam the elf.

"I think you are a nice elf that cares about his people. I think you are brave and kind.I think any girl marrying you would be happy.", Sam the Elf said with a smile.

"Would you marry me ?", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf said sweetly.

"What ? What is this questions, is it an interrogation of Sam ! What nonsense are you talking about ! More moving less talking from you !", Sissy Potter shouted as Mary glared at Geraldine the cross dressing male elf.

"Um. Sam.", Jack said with a smile.

"Yes. Jack.", Sam the Elf said sweetly.

"How do you feel about me ?", Jack said sweetly.

"Hey ! Hey ! What are you talking about ?! What nonsense is this ?! You should concentrate and protect us and talk less !", Mary shouted at Jack while Sissy Potter glared at Jack.

It seems the tag team of Mary the swords woman and Sissy Potter the heroine had surrounded Sam the elf to prevent any of the boys getting closer to Sam the elf. Mary the swords woman was walking on Sam the elf's left and holding her arm while Sissy Potter the heroine was walking on Sam the elf's right and holding her other arm. You could say that Sam the elf was surrounded by roses.

All the guys sighed looking at Sam the elf's two fierce female protectors. They thought it would be better to fight dragons than these two ladies. So the legend that princesses were surrounded by fierce creatures were true with these two female monsters no male could get close to Sam the elf. They wondered if they could get close to Sam the elf when they were in the elven Kingdom.

Sam the elf and her companions continued through the elven path guided by Geraldine the cross dressing male elf as they approached a golden arch covered by trees, shrubs and greenery. It was the entrance to the elven Kingdom, they had arrived. They could see two Ikemen feminine looking male elf guards with blonde hair and blue eyes guarding the gates. The two guards look absolutely handsome in a cute young boyish feminine looking sort of way. They were clothed in the finest green silk. Their armor from head to toe was golden in color. And they had magical bow and arrows as well as a magical sword in their sword scabbard.

To be continued......

(Note : sorry for the short chapter. We are getting closer to the finale. Hope you like this story. If you like it more stars please. And feel free to recommend it to your friends.)

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