Chapter 34 : Princess Sam of the Elven Kingdom

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Sam the elf, Mary, Sissy Potter, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two ugly members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang had finally arrived at the elven Kingdom. Geraldine the cross dressing male elf was the first person to rush towards the elven guards.

"Comrades, friends, I have done it. I have brought back our long lost elven princess back to her rightful place. Her home !", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf shouted as he ran towards the guards.

"Halt human woman ! Why are you here ?!", The two elven guards clad in golden armors drew out their sword.

"Wait, let me show you my ears. I have been disguising myself as a human female, I am actually a male elf.", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf said while pulling the hair away from her ears to show his elven ears to the two elven guards.

"Humph ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !", both elven guards cried out laughing as they tried to cover their laughter to no avail.

"What's so funny ?! Need I remind you what happened to the rest of my five elven comrades !", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf shouted out angrily.

There was a serious look on both elven guards as they looked at Gerald the cross dressing male elf as he took off his female clothes and changed into his male elven clothes.

"Call the elders please. Tell them I have brought the elf princess.", Gerald the elf said in his manly clothing.

"Humph ! Alright Miss Gerald we will call the elders. Wait here for a while please.", one the guards said as he left to get the council of elders.

As that was happening Sam the elf and her human companions were slowly approaching the elven gate made of trees, shrubs and a golden arch. The other guard upon seeing strange humans approaching drew his sword in defense.

"Wait ! These are my human friends and the elf princess.", Gerald the elf said firmly.

As Sam the elf approached, smell of fresh sweet peaches came out from her sweet beautiful body. The elven guard was sniffing the air and her body and enjoying her smell as well as looking at her. The elven guard was having a nose bleed and an erection upon seeing Sam the elf. Beautiful thick blonde hair shining in the sun, shining emerald green vixen eyes, jiggling breasts that moved, slender petite beautiful body and a beautiful face too beautiful to describe.

"Hey, pervert stop staring at my elf princess !", Gerald the elf shouted out at the guard.

"You mean our elf princess, the princess belongs to everyone.", the guard said as he tried to rub off the blood coming from his nosebleed.

As they were talking the other guard brought back a group of elderly elves made of males and females.

"What are you all doing here ! Come in !", one of the elderly male elves said. You could tell the age of the elves from their ears, the more older they are the sharper and more pointed their ears appear.

"But sir, there are humans with them.", one of the elven guards blurted out.

"Never mind, if they are friends of the elf princess, they are welcome in the elven Kingdom.", the elderly male elf said firmly.

"Very well, you all may enter ! And welcome to the elven Kingdom !", both elven guards said at the same time.

Gerald the elf had a smug smile on as he lead Sam the elf and her human companions around in the elven Kingdom.

"I hate to ask you this Sam or Samantha but we need to check if you are the elf princess. Please come with us and your friends are welcome to join us.", the elderly male elf said nicely.

"Very well.", Sam the Elf said sweetly as she followed the council of elders elves to a room with tree roots growing on it. In the centre of the room there was a pink crystal ball lying on a cut off tree trunk that was surrounded by beautiful glittering moss. The room was open from three sides and had large gaps or windows on it so people could see into the room clearly to see what was happening.

As Sam the elf and her companions followed the council of elders, elves of all kind, female and male were gathering around Sam the elf. They followed her to the room with the pink crystal ball. They stood and looked at Sam the elf's every action as the murmurs of so beautiful could be heard in the background of this gathering of elves.

"Please put your hand on the pink crystal ball, Sam.", one of the elder elves said.

Sam the elf proceeded to put her sweet silken hand on the pink crystal ball and light glowed from it. Letters and words came out of the crystal ball and a voice could be heard.

Name : Princess Samantha of the Elven Kingdom

Race Type : High Elf

Age : Baby. Forced growth to 15 years old by magic.

Sex : Female (Virgin)

As the announcement and words spilled out. The council of elders all kneeled down to Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom.

"Please accept this crown Princess Samantha.", an female elder elf passed a beautiful golden crown with a giant emerald to Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom.

"Um. Are you sure I am an elf princess ?", Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom asked.

"The crystal does not lie and we the council of elders have accepted you as our princess.", one of the male council of elders said.

"My name is Enton, I am the regent for the elven Kingdom when your father and mother died. I am also your uncle but I am a normal elf, not a high elf. You can see the color of my eyes are blue. It was your mother that was the High elf that married my brother.", Enton the regent of the elves said.

"Um. Nice to meet you.", Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom said sweetly as she blushed in embarrassment.

The sound of how cute could be heard from Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom's companions and friends. All the elves gathering around the structure that housed the pink crystal ball could be heard cheering Princess Samantha of the elven Kingdom and some of them had nosebleeds looking at Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom.

There were loud cheers coming from the group of elves gathered around Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom. And a loud announcement was made by magical speakers through out the elven Kingdom that the elf princess had been found and her name was "Samantha".

Gerald the elf smiled as he looked at Princess Sam of the elven Kingdom and saw how happy she was.

Princess Sam of the Elven Kingdom's POV

Ah ! The council of elders, they are such nice people. They are asking me to to follow them. Ah, well guess there is no harm in doing what they say. Hey, there seems to be a crowd gathering and following me. Hmm, they asked me to put my hand on the pink crystal. The crystal looks cute and nice, no harm in doing that I suppose. What ? Elf princess ? When did I become an elf princess ! I am a manly man. Not a girly girl. Arghh... what am I suppose to do ? What more cheering and they are looking at me like some long lost relative. Smile. Smile. Keep on smiling. Huh ! An announcement has been made that I am the elf princess and they are calling me Samantha. But my name is Sam. How embarrassing. Why did it turn out like this ? I am not happy about this.

To be continued .......

(Note : sorry for the short chapter. Hope you like it. More stars please. Coming to the end. Thank you readers for all your support)

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