Chapter 7 : Bone Crushing Divas

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Once both parties Sissy Potter and Mary stopped hugging and fondling Sam the elf's buttocks they went down to the reception of the Adventurers Guild. There Sam the elf was greeted by Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang. But wait, Sam the elf could see two of her former Adventurer friends. It was the ugly shield maiden Griz, she was all muscle and no breast and six feet five inches tall. Next to her was a five foot fat magician with a ugly pock mark face and a witches hat by the name of Wendy. What happened to the archer, Sam the elf thought as she approached them.

"Griz, Wendy, it's me Sam !", Sam the Elf cried out as she was held on both arms by Sissy Potter and Mary. Both of them refused to let go of her. Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang followed Sam the elf along as well.

"Sam ! You have changed, what happened ?", Griz the shield maiden with blonde hair asked.

"Yes, aren't you a succubus ?", Wendy the witch with black hair asked.

"Uh. It's a long story but I am Sam the elf now.", Sam the elf replied.

"What happened to the archer ?", Sam the Elf asked.

"It's thanks to you she got pregnant. She's married now. She is really grateful.", Griz spoke out.

"Yeah, she kept on saying remember to thank Sam.", Wendy the witch said.

It seems that Sam had been a wing woman for this ugly group of female Adventurers by the name of, "Bone Crushing Divas". And Sam was successful in getting one of the female Adventurers married, she was grateful but now the team was short an archer for long range attacks.

"It seems we are short two members now, unless you want to come back to us ?", Griz the shield maiden asked meekly.

"He. He. I will be going to the Continent of Apples, if you come along, I will join your Adventurers Group again.", Sam the Elf said meekly.

"We will join if Sam the elf joins !!", Sissy Potter and Mary said simultaneously.

"In that case we will follow you ! Welcome to the Bone Crushing Divas ! Sam the elf.", Griz said loudly.

"Welcome back Sam ! But we still need an archer.", Wendy the witch said.

"Uh. You don't have to worry about that as I am an archer. And a pretty good one as well.", Sam the Elf said. Since becoming an elf, Sam found out that she could shoot arrows with pin point accuracy even with her eyes closed. In fact the Goddess Sarah had gifted her a magical bow and some magical arrows. She found the bow and arrows next to her in her bed in the morning when she woke up with a note from Goddess Sarah.

"Well, if that is the case welcome back to the Bone Crushing Divas, archer !", Griz the shield maiden said happily.

When Sam the elf left the Adventurers Guild she gave a wink to Vivien, the avatar of death second class that was floating around the Adventurers Guild. Vivien winked back at Sam the elf and blew a kiss to her. Since no one could see Vivien, all the males thought Sam the elf had winked at them. They all winked back and tried to approach Sam the elf. But Sam had Sissy Potter, Mary, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang fending off the male Adventurers.

As Sam the elf and her group chit chatted, they left the Royal Capital and headed to the town of Moby for their sea journey to the Continent of Apples. Their first destination is the port town of Ivy in the city State of Moringa. The Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang first had to secure a ship to travel to the port of Ivy, city state of Moringa.

By chance they stumbled across Captain Ahab, their captain whose ship they had used once before.

"Captain Ahab, Nice to see you again.", Jack said with a smile.

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