Chapter 15 : Mock

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(Note : Royal road is not bad for writers or readers. Might repost everything there. Will let you know if I decide to leave wattpad and repost on royal road. Royal road seems to be affiliated with Amazon)

With the battle over, Sam the elf heaved a sigh of relief. When she looked up she saw Vivien the avatar of death third class floating above her. Vivien whispered to Sam the elf sorry for not being here. In fact Vivien had managed to tear herself away from Cherry the avatar of death second class's grip and ran away from her in the realm of death. Cherry the avatar of death second class did not follow Vivien when she ran out of death's Realm. All Cherry could do was stare at Vivien and curse at her. When Vivien arrived she saw the devastation wrought by the Goblin army with many badly injured Adventurers and many more dead goblins. She cursed herself for not arriving sooner to help Sam the elf. Sam the elf having seen Vivien floating in the sky above her whispered back it's alright and winked at her. Vivien the avatar of death third class winked back at Sam the elf.

The Adventurers, Leo, Mary, Sissy Potter, Gerald the cross dressing male elf, Griz, Wendy, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang having seen Sam the elf wink, thought that she had winked at them and all of them winked back at Sam the elf.

Bringing the captured Goblin General back for interrogation were the Adventurers. Leo arranged for the badly injured Adventurers to be brought back to the Adventurers Guild. Sam the elf volunteered to be one of the healers since she had light magic. Gerald the cross dressing male elf also volunteered to heal the injured Adventurers. While there was a third male healer in the Adventurers Guild waiting for the injured Adventurers.

Once back at the Adventurers Guild, Sam the elf started singing one of her favorite Earth song by Mariah Carey, "My All". Since the Goddess of Creation Sarah went overboard on Sam the elf, she had gifted Sam the gift of song. So when Sam the elf sung the song while healing the male and female Adventurers they could feel the power of her sweet magical voice. Sam the elf sung the song better than the original Mariah Carey, it was like a siren singing. Soon the injured Adventurers left Gerald the cross dressing male elf and the third male healer in the Adventurers Guild and all waited for only Sam the elf to heal them. (Please play the song by using YouTube to see what I mean)

They were all in love with Sam the elf. Her sweet demeanor and her sweet voice had made them fall in love. They were listening to her sing and her heal. Sam the elf looked absolutely beautiful at that moment, her golden hair, her emerald eyes shining, her full pouting lips, her slim petite body, her wide vixen eyes, her jiggling breasts all enticed the men and women there. As Sam the elf was using her healing light to heal Vance Von Gou from his small cuts around his body caused by his own wind magic, Leo, Jack, Errol and the rest of the Guys Gang were grinding their teeth. They were thinking, why didn't I get injured.

While seeing Vance Von Gou smiling at Sam the elf while having blood dripping down from his nose, Leo the lover of lolitas have had enough. Leo went out of the Adventurers Guild and a loud thumping sound of someone smashing his head against the hard wall of the Guild could be heard. As Leo the lover of lolitas came back he was bleeding from his head.

"Uh. Sam. Can you heal my head, it seems in the battle against the goblins they injured my head.", Leo the lover of lolitas and the Guild Master said while looking at Sam the elf.

"Of course, Leo, please have a seat. Let me have a look at it.", Sam the Elf said as she began to heal Leo the lover of lolitas. Jack, Errol and the rest of the Guys Gang could not believe their eyes, and when Jack was about to step out to injure himself with his own sword, Sissy Potter blocked anyone from going out of the Adventurers Guild. While that was happening Leo the lover of lolitas had a big grin across his flushed red face as Sam the elf healed him.

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