Chapter 26 : Soft Rice King

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Wally the Dungeon Master looked at his ball of light and saw that there were ten thousand goblins coming towards his inn. Damn those goblins he thought. Wally the Dungeon Master decided to use the same tactics again, to lure them near the inn and block off their escape. He needed to keep the Adventurers in his dungeon in the dungeon, Wally the Dungeon Master did not want his victims, er, guests to be frightened. Using his mind he contacted the golem in the Dungeon, keep the guests there he said. The golem receiving the message said understood.

Meanwhile in the dungeon, Jack was about to walk out and bumped into the two slavers cum Adventurers.

"Oh, sorry about that.", Jack said with a smile.

"It's okay. We are thinking of leaving this dungeon as well.", one of the slavers said. The two slavers original intent of going into this dungeon was to capture live zombies to be made into slaves. However the undead soldiers or zombies kept on dying, frustrating these two slavers to no end. These two slavers failed to capture a single undead soldier or zombie.

"Wait everyone. The other levels in this dungeon is more exciting and there are more treasures.", The golem said nonchalantly.

"Treasures !", The two slavers and Jack shouted out at the same time.

"Um, Sam let's give the other levels a try.", Jack turned around and went to Sam the elf.

"Elves. A beautiful female elf !", The two slavers cum Adventurers shouted out in joy.

"Careful, Sam these two are slavers from the Kingdom of Freedom, near the elven Kingdom. They are the ones that captured my friends and sold them.", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf approached Sam the elf and whispered into her ear. Geraldine the cross dressing male elf could be seen glaring at the two male slavers.

"So lovely. She will be my beautiful wife....", one of the slavers said.

"What ?! No she will be my beautiful wife over your dead body !", the other slaver said to his friend.

"I think if it is best we leave them to their argument.", Jack said as he shepherded Sam the elf and his companions deeper into the dungeon.

While that was happening the two male slavers cum was fighting to the death to see who will possess Sam the elf. Normally slavers would enslave their victims and sell them but there were times that they decided to marry their victims or take them as their wives. This was the common standard practice in the Kingdom of Freedom, the men there could take four wives. It was part of their religion, the religion of Freedom, after the god of freedom, Justin, who disappeared years ago.

As Sam the elf, Mary, Sissy Potter, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang move to level two of the dungeon, Wally the Dungeon Master was preparing to deal with the goblin army that appeared from the forest near the dungeon.

The Goblin army this time was lead by a different Goblin General, he was suspicious of the inn but he sent one thousand goblins lead by a Goblin General under him to attack it. Wally the Dungeon Master knew that they were planning something, since they had only used one thousand of their ten thousand goblin army. Do they think he is stupid, Wally thought, he has been Dungeon Master for hundreds maybe even thousands of years. Wally felt that these goblins were insulting him, so he set a trap for them. Wally sent out one thousand chimeras to slaughter the one thousand goblin army. With chimeras they could fly out behind the one thousand goblin army and surround them.

This lead the cautious Goblin General to panic. Seeing his comrades slaughtered and shredded by the one thousand chimeras caused him to issue the order for the other nine thousand goblin army to attack the one thousand chimeras. The cautious Goblin General lead his remaining nine thousand goblin army made up of Goblin Generals lower ranked than him, goblin magicians, goblin archers, goblin warriors and normal goblins to attack the one thousand chimeras. Once the cautious Goblin General and his army was within the boundary of Wally's above ground Dungeon, Wally the Dungeon Master sprung his trap.

The back of the cautious Goblin General and his army was cut off by a thick stone wall appearing out of the ground and trapping them. The inn changed and morphed into a huge giant fortress castle. And out of nowhere the undead king appeared with his thirty thousand undead army consisting of undead generals, undead knights, undead magicians, undead archers, undead warriors and undead soldiers. The cautious Goblin General and his goblin army was overwhelmed by the undead king's army and was slaughtered.

While this was going on, Sam the elf and her companions that ventured deeper into the dungeon found exactly the same thing, monsters that killed themselves before they could attack them. After going all the way to level nine of the dungeon , Sam the elf, Mary, Sissy Potter, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang decided to go back. By the time they reached the entrance they found the two slavers cum Adventurers had killed each other and their bodies was lying on the ground of the dungeon floor.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish !", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf shouted out seeing the two dead human male slavers.

"Oh dear ! What will Master said , the first casualty in our dungeon !", The golem shouted in shock.

"What !? So you are saying we were never in any danger ? What type of con game are you guys running ?", Jack said while looking at the golem.

"Oh, that's so kind of the wizard Wally, so we were never in any danger.", Sam the Elf said in a delighted voice.

"Yes, you were never in any danger.", The golem said.

Out of nowhere appeared Wally the Dungeon Master as he had killed all the goblins outside already and the ground was absorbing their bodies and weapons leaving no evidence of the battle.

"Um. About that, I run a safe establishment for Adventurers. They have a bit of fun in the dungeon, they live and they come back again for a second round.", as Wally the Dungeon Master said that he had a big smile.

"You con man !", Jack shouted as he stormed off.

"Thank you Wally. You are a kind man. Here is a bag of gold as a gift from me for keeping us safe.", as Sam the elf said that she passed a bag of gold to Wally the Dungeon Master. Please remember that Sam the elf got the gold and her wealth from the dead merchant Abdul. What many people do not know is that Abdul was the richest merchant alive when he was alive, now that he was dead, all his wealth is kept by Sam the elf in her magic space time storage. And when Philip the merchant died a big chunk of his wealth was given to Sam the elf as compensation for attacking her. Sam the elf currently did not need money anymore because of the wealth she had accumulated.

Wally the Dungeon Master has never in his life seen so much money before, his heart moved and he felt something.

"Marry me Sam, let me be your soft rice king !", Wally the Dungeon Master shouted out to Sam the elf. (Note : "soft rice king" is a chinese Cantonese slang that means a man that lives off the earning of a woman). Wally the Dungeon Master had decided then and there to be a male gold digger and become a lover or husband of Sam the elf.

"Um....", Sam the Elf was speechless and she walked out of the dungeon.

Wally the Dungeon Master was looking down on the floor of the dungeon and was sad that Sam the elf seem to have rejected him.

"Where will we go next before we go to the elven Kingdom ?", Sam the Elf asked her companions as she was walking with them into the forest for their next adventure.

"Might I suggest the Kingdom of Freedom since it is on the way to the elven Kingdom.", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf said as he had a sinister smile on his face. Geraldine the cross dressing male elf wanted to go to the Kingdom of Freedom to take revenge on the rest of the slavers that had imprisoned and captured his friends.

"That's sounds interesting let's go there then.", Sam the Elf said happily.

"Yes !", sounds of yes could be heard from Sam the elf's friends and companions.

To be continued......

(Note : next chapter, Kingdom of Freedom and Justin, what does it mean ?)

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