Chapter 22 : Crochet

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The Goblin King was pretending to be recovering from an arrow injury when in fact he was so strong all the arrrow did was scratch his skin. But he had to do it, so that his people were safe. He should be appearing soon, the Goblin King thought.

There was a flash of light that flowed inside the Goblin King's camp as that flash of light grew larger and larger and all the Goblins gathered there and dogeza in front of the light. In fact the Goblin King came out of his tent and dogeza in front of this light.

"Where is the elf princess you promised me ? Did you forget to get her for me ? !", the voice in the light spoke.

"Um. I am sorry. We failed to capture her.", the Goblin King said as he continued to kneel in front of the light.

"Can we sacrifice some Goblin girls to you if we fail to find the elf princess ?", the Goblin King asked while shaking slightly in fear of the light.

"What ?! Why would I want to eat stinking goblin girls ! I want the elf princess ! I want to eat her !", the booming voice in the light spoke.

The Goblin King looked away in fear as did all the other goblins as they shivered at the thought of being eaten by this monster.

"I would squash goblins with my feet into nothing ! That's what I will do ! The elf princess must be a virgin for me to eat her ! Make sure she is pure ! If any man were to touch her ! Kill them ! Do you understand me ?!", the booming voice in the light spoke.

"Y...Yes...", the Goblin King said as he stuttered.

The light immediately disappeared and calm came back to the camp.

The Goblin King thought what a waste it was to sacrifice Sam the elf to the monster in the light. But there was nothing he could do about it. If he failed in his task, the monster in the light would destroy the Golbin kingdom with one stroke. The Goblin King issued the order to pursue Sam the elf and her companions. Goblin scouts were sent out to track them. The Goblin King knows he must not lose Sam the elf, for the safety of his people.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest Sam the elf was walking and talking to her companions.

"Wow, that Goblin King was really something huh !", Sam the Elf said nonchalantly.

"No, something was bothering me. It seems that the Goblin King fell down too easily after being hit by a single normal arrow.", Jack said grimly.

"I agree with Jack for once. It does appear that the Goblin King fell down too easily. After all for such a high level monster, normal arrows have no effect against it.", Sissy Potter the heroine said.

"That is indeed strange.", Mary added to the conversation.

"But we could all see the Goblin King fall down once he was hit by Sam's normal arrow.", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf said proudly.

"That's why it seems strange.", Sissy Potter said.

"What's so strange about that. It just goes to show you how strong we elves are !", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf said proudly.

"I don't think elves are that strong. In fact I think elves are one of the weakest creatures. I think that the Goblin King pretended to be hurt. For what ever reason, I don't know yet. Perhaps if we have a chance to talk.", Sam the Elf said while thinking of something.

"Well whatever it is we are about to arrive at the World famous one hundred and fifty level dungeon.", Jack said with a wry smile.

"How do you know there are one hundred and fifty levels to this dungeon ? Has someone broken through the dungeon and conquered it ?", Sam the Elf asked while tilting her head ever so slightly.

"Nothing of that sort. The inn keeper of the inn next to the dungeon provided the details to the Adventurers Guild about the one hundred and fifty levels. In fact no one has ever broken through more than level thirty. After that no one could get past the boss level.", Jack said with a grin.

"Wow !", Sam the Elf said with a smile.

"Yes. I heard the same thing as well.", Sissy Potter said while gripping her sword.

As they arrived at the clearing they could see an inn next to the cave on the face of the mountain. They had arrived at the World famous one hundred and fifty level dungeon. Some old man appeared out of the inn with a long white beard and wearing a robe. He looked like a wizard but he was actually the Dungeon Master of this Dungeon . Next to him was a huge black dragon with red eyes and a large dog collar with the name "Fido" etched into it. The inn itself was an above ground dungeon created by the Dungeon Master but no one knew about it.

"Welcome victims.... Err... I mean guests.", the old man in the wizards robe said.

"My name is Wally, I am the innkeeper and a wizard.", Wally the Dungeon Master said with a wry smile.

"This is my dragon Fido !", Wally the Dungeon Master said as he pointed to the black dragon.

"Can we go to the dungeon ?", Sissy Potter said as she gripped her sword.

"Hi....! That's the sword of truth. Don't get it near me !", Wally the Dungeon Master shouted as he saw the sword of truth. In the past the Dungeon Master Wally was brought here as a reincarnated person from Japan by the old Creator God to protect the Sword Of Truth. As long as the Sword Of Truth is in the Dungeon, the dungeon master cannot leave the dungeon. It was good luck when the Evil God Justin came to get the sword of truth, thus releasing Wally the Dungeon Master from the burden of protecting the sword and allowing him to travel around the Continent of Apple. Now free from his responsibilities, Wally the Dungeon Master started his inn to get more money to buy crochet books from Earth. Wally the Dungeon Master is crazy over his personal hobby of crocheting. Because of that Wally the Dungeon Master became a money grubbing innkeeper interested only in money. The money Wally the Dungeon Master makes goes all into his hobby of crocheting. The most expensive part of the hobby is getting crocheting books from Earth. Imagine the cost of shipping books about crocheting from Earth to this World.

"Why are you so scared of this sword ?", Sissy Potter said as she held up the sword of truth to Wally the Dungeon Master.

"Please keep that sword away from me or the dungeon. The sword is cursed and will cause disaster to me and the Dungeon. Please keep it away !", Wally the Dungeon Master shouted out.

"Here give it to me Sissy, I will keep it safe in my magic storage space.", Sam the Elf said as she took the sword from Sissy Potter and kept it in her magic storage space.

"Thank you. For that, tonight's stay at the inn will be free for all of you.", Wally the Dungeon Master said happily.

Wally the Dungeon Master's POV

Ohh ! Do I see some victims coming. Ahh, guests for my inn. I shall go out and introduce myself. Time to make some money ! What ? That girl has the sword of truth on her. Oh God ! If that sword comes back to the Dungeon, I am doomed. My hobby is doomed. And I won't be able to make any more money to buy crochet books from Earth. Oh ! Thank God, she put away the sword. Because of that I have to pretend to be a gracious hosts by giving them a one night free stay at the inn. But I did not say anything about add ons. Mua. Ha. Ha. I shall milk them of their money until they have nothing left. Never ever get something for free in this World as nothing is free in this World. Time to teach these victims a lesson.

As Sam the elf, Mary, Sissy Potter, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang retired at the inn for the night the Goblin scouts were still searching for them.

To be continued.......

(Note : next chapter, the secrets of the dungeon, more Goblins, more danger and more mystery)

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