Chapter 21 : The Goblin King's Dilemma

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As the Goblin King got closer to Sam the elf and her companions that were running into the forest, he noticed how beautiful Sam the elf was. In fact, she was the most beautiful thing he had  ever seen before. The Goblin King thought it would be a shame to hand her over to him. He thought that he needed to save Sam the elf but what could he do to save her. And if he captured her, could he keep her for himself and defy him. What would happen to the Goblins if he took that elf girl as his Queen. Could he even defeat him ? Those were all the thoughts of the Goblin King as he came with his Goblin army towards Sam the elf and her companions.

Sam the elf was running quickly as she saw that Vivien the avatar of death third class was still with her. With Vivien around, Sam the elf thought that they had a chance against the Goblin King. But would Vivien be willing to help them in this dire situation. And could she even ask that of Vivien ? After all she was an avatar of death and charged with transporting the soul of the dead to the after life and she was not tasked with killing living beings.

As they ran further into the forest, the Goblin King and his army was catching up. Sam the elf shot a normal arrow out her normal bow and it hit the Goblin King in the chest. The Goblin King seemed to be injured and fell down. And the Goblin army stopped in its track and they took the Goblin King out of the forest. The Goblin army following the Goblin King was now in full retreat as they prioritized the safety of the Goblin King first.

The Goblin King's POV

Ah... the elf girl is so beautiful, such a shame to hand her over to him. We are getting closer, once we capture her, I would have to hand her over to him. He will know. What can I do ? Is there anything I can do that will not put my Goblin Kingdom in jeopardy ? Wait she is shooting an arrow at me. Wow ! Great shot it hit me but it is just a scratch, it cannot harm me. Wait, what if I pretend to fall down. I will do it. It might be a way to save the elf girl and my Kingdom.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Mock, the Goblin General had finished slaughtering the two thousand fat ugly men with his Golbin army. He was approaching the Royal Palace. But he could not see any town folks. It seems that they have evacuated the city earlier. Ha ! They seem to be smarter than the King the Goblin General thought.

As they entered the Royal Palace, they could hear sounds.

"Your Majesty ! Run away, we have lost the battle !", The loyal Prime Minister shouted.

"Ha ! They won't kill me ! No one will kill something this beautiful !", the ugly fat King Michael said proudly as he showed off his obese figure to the Prime Minister.

"Your Majesty ! The two thousand ugly fat soldiers you have sent to stop them have almost all died according to our reports. The Goblin army is coming to the Royal Palace as we speak !", the Prime Minister shouted aloud.

"Ha ! Are you sure they would kill such handsome men. At most I thought they would be taken as sex slave since they are so handsome !", the fat ugly King Michael said.

The Goblin General approached where the chatter of humans could be heard.

"Who are you ?!", the Goblin General said as he put his huge sword on King Michael's neck.

"Why I am the most beautiful handsome King in the World, King Michael !", the fat ugly King Michael said loudly and proudly.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Thank you it's the best laugh I have ever had in my life. For that I will end your life quickly so that you won't be tortured !", the Goblin General shouted out as he swung his sword towards the fat ugly King Michael's neck. Swoosh, the sound of the sword cutting the king's head could be heard. And plomp, the sound of the severed king's head falling on the ground could be heard.

Once the Goblin General got back, they heard the citizens of Mock had injured their king. They were angry and they destroyed the Kingdom of Mock by ravaging every city, town and village in the small Kingdom of Mock. In fact the Kingdom of Mock did not exists anymore, it was completely destroyed by the Goblin King's army. It would go down in history as the day the Kingdom of Mock was lost.

As for Sam the elf, Mary, Sissy Potter, Geraldine the cross dressing male elf, the two members of the Bone Crushing Divas, Jack, Errol and the Guys Gang they decided to head towards the elven Kingdom and warn any Kingdom that they approached about the danger of the Goblin King and hIs Goblin army.

To be continued ......

(Note : sorry for the short chapter, but the Golbin King army arc has ended and now we move on to another story)

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