Chapter 24 : Dungeon Master in Trouble

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Sam the elf retired for the night and she got her lewd good night kiss from both Mary and Sissy Potter as usual. While Geraldine the cross dressing male elf retired to his bed worried people might find out that he is an elf. The two ugly female members of the Bone Crushing Divas retired in their room full of hope that today will be the day that one of the boys comes for them and that after that they will get married. Jack retired to his bed in a grouchy mood as he thought that the one gold coin add on for his bed was expensive. While Errol and the Guys Gang retired to their room for the night without much fanfare.

As for Wally the Dungeon Master he was having a lark thinking of all the gold coins he made from his victims. Wally the Dungeon Master was resting in his room when there appeared a ball of light in front of him. It was an emergency response to let him know that the Dungeon was being attacked by intruders. In the clear ball of light he could see a couple of well armed goblins coming to his inn. Huff ! How bothersome he thought, of all the times to have an emergency and it was the time that he took money from his victims for the protection insurance.

The inn immediately changed into a tall tower shooting up into the sky by the will of the Dungeon Master Wally. The surprised goblins could only gawk at the rising tower. And then the undead soldiers from level one of the dungeon started to appear before the goblins. These undead soldiers were well armed and were attacking the goblins by slashing them with their swords, shooting them with their bow and arrows and hitting them on the head with their hammers.

"Gah ! What happened ?", the Goblin General that laughed in the Kingdom of Mock said as he saw his Goblin scouts and his goblins being slaughtered by the undead.

"What should we do General ?", another Goblin General asked.

"We attack them with our full force ! We will not leave any of them alive to report our humiliation in front of the Goblin King, we will only leave the elf princess alive !", the Goblin General that laughed in the Kingdom of Mock said.

As the Goblin army lead by the Goblin General marched towards the inn, Wally the Dungeon Master was observing the situation from his room. Hmmm, ten thousand Goblins he thought, that's a large army. Now who should he send out to deal with them. Then he got a brilliant idea, the boss of the level thirty dungeon, the undead king and his army should do the trick. Wally the Dungeon Master instructed the undead king to bring thirty thousand undead generals, knights, archers, magicians and soldiers with him to the inn which was a tower now immediately.

When the Goblin General and his ten thousand strong army made up of Generals, magicians, warriors, archers and normal goblins reached the vicinity of Wally's above ground dungeon, walls of hard stone appeared at the back of them trapping them in the above ground dungeon. The inn which was changed into a tower now currently morphed into a towering stone castle that seemed impenetrable.

"What ?!", the Goblin General that laughed in the Kingdom of Mock shouted out in shock.

"Attack !", the Goblin General that laughed in the Kingdom of Mock shouted out again.

Then out of nowhere the undead king appeared together with his army of thirty thousand undead generals, knights, magicians, archers and soldiers. It was a one sided slaughter of the goblins. The fight lasted all night and Wally the Dungeon Master did not get any sleep. Wally was worried about waking up his guests as this fighting was going on. The battle lasted a night and when the last Goblin was slaughtered it was already morning. All the bodies of the dead Goblins were absorbed into the ground leaving no signs of battle, even the weapons and armors were absorbed into the ground, after all this was an above ground dungeon.

As Sam the elf woke up she got her lewd good morning kiss from Mary and Sissy Potter. When Sam the elf prepared herself she went down to the dining hall by gliding down the steps. When she reached the dining hall together with Mary and Sissy Potter in tow as they insisted on going down the dining hall together with Sam, they saw the haggard looking Dungeon Master Wally. He looked terrible with bags under his eyes and his hair and his white beard was in a mess.

"Um. Good morning. Wally did you have a good sleep yesterday night ?", Sam the Elf asked sweetly.

"Um. Yeah. Fine. I had a good nights sleep. Couldn't be better. And. Oh. Good morning.", Wally the Dungeon Master greeted Sam the elf in a disoriented tone.

Both Mary and Sissy Potter greeted Wally the Dungeon Master while they smirked at him. Wally the Dungeon Master did not get any sleep from last nights battle with the Goblin army and he was extremely angry at the goblins that came here to attack him. But as a business man he had to appear calm and collected to milk the victims, Er, guests of more of their money.

"Do you want to go into the Dungeon today ?", Wally the Dungeon Master asked Sam the elf and her companions.

"Yes, yes of course !", Sam the Elf, Mary and Sissy Potter all replied in unison.

"Oh.... that will be one gold coin each per person for going into the Dungeon.", Wally the Dungeon Master said with a big smile on his haggard face.

"One gold coin ! Argh !", Sissy Potter said in anger.

"That's okay, I will pay for everyone. After all, we can spend some time there before we head to the elven Kingdom.", Sam the Elf said with a smile.

"Did someone say elven Kingdom ?!", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf cried out as he walked down the stairs to the dining room.

"Yes, Geraldine, I am going to the elven Kingdom.", Sam the Elf said with a smile.

"Yes !!!", Geraldine the cross dressing male elf shouted as he did a fist pump.

Wally the Dungeon Master's POV

Arghh, I am so tired, those stupid goblins. Why did they have to come here and attack my inn. What were they thinking ? Oh, Sam is up and so are the girls. Have to smile. Keep on smiling. Don't let the victims, Er, guests know that anything happened. Oh God ! I am so tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. Keep on talking. Sell them the Dungeon. Sell them the Dungeon. Yes, that elf girl Sam fell for it. Now to get some money from my victims, Er, guests.

To be continued.......

(Note : next chapter dungeon exploration ! It will just be a simple boring chapter. Mua. Ha. Ha.)

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