• Chapter 82 •

Start from the beginning

"Stop!" She whined. "why does that make you laugh?" I chuckled. "It's a tingly feeling." She said.

Our food was brought to us and Kaye smiled really hard. She dipped her fry in her McFlurry and put it close to my mouth.

I took a bite and she ate the rest.

"I remember the first time I tried it." I chuckled. "You thought I was crazy." She said. "It's good though." I said.

"Remember at Coachella?" She asked. "Don't remind me." I mumbled. "Not the fight, the concert." She said.

I smiled to myself, "When I said best friend do cute things too."

"Yeah, I was happy you said that." She said. "Why?" I asked. "I like doing cute things without being tied down to someone." She said.

"That was such a good night, I miss the summer. We did so many crazy things." I said. "We have next summer." She smirked.

(AN: ooh' second book ^ lmao jk)

"I can't wait then." I smirked. "You'll be with me forever right?" She asked. "We made a promise to each other Kaye, I don't break my promises." I said.

"Yes you do." She said. "OKay, well I won't break this one." I said. "Good." She smiled.

"As long as we move to California after college." She said. "If our moms can let us go." She said. "We'll just leave without telling them." I shrugged.

"Can't wait." She smiled.

It was eight o'clock and we were both freaking out. "Go find a phone." She said. I groaned looking for someone. I saw a girl about our age.

We walked over to her and she almost freaked out. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" She asked. We nodded and I'm guessing her friend, took the picture.

"Can you do us a huge favor?" I asked. "Anything." She said. "Can you let us borrow your phone?" I asked. She nodde and handed it to me.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked. "Hayes thought it would be cool to get on a bus and the bus took us here." Kaye said.

"Oh dang." The girl laughed. "What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Monique." She smiled. "Well you're very pretty and nice." I told her.

She started freaking out and I laughed.

• Cameron POV •

"Are you seriously crying." I chuckled. "Cameron it isn't funny! They could be hurt!" Mom yelled at me. "They always do this, they're going to come back." I said.

"Why aren't they answering there phones then?" She asked. "Because you guys aren't the best people to talk to when they're in trouble." I said.

"So what!" She yelled.

"Cameron, I don't see why you aren't freaking out. you're little sister and basically little brother are roaming town." Sierra said.

"I know Hayes, he's going to make sure him and Kaye are okay and he'll keep himself and Kaye safe." I said.

I know Hayes, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to himself or Kaye.

"They're not at the movies or around town." Dad said, walking in with Chad. My phone started ringing and it was a number.

"Hello?" I answered. "Cameron, oh thank god you answered." It was Hayes. "Dude, where are you guys, everyone's freaking out." I said.

"Is that them?" Nila asked. "We got on a bus and they took us to nolanville. Can you please come and get us?" He asked.

"I'm coming, stay somewhere safe." I said. "I will, bye cam, thank you." I said. I hung up and told everyone.

"Let's go." Mom said. "No, me and Nash are going." I said. "No." They all said. "To bad, I know where they are and you don't." I said.

We hurried and got in the car before they could say anything.

We were in Nolanville and we just pulled into McDonalds.

We walked inside and they were sleeping. I chuckled and took a picture. Nash picked Hayes up and I picked Kaye up.

We put them in the car and they woke up, but soon went back to sleep.

When we got to the house, I looked at them. Kaye's head was on Hayes' lap and Hayes' head was laying on Kaye's upper back.

I took another picture and we got them out of the car.

We walked in the car and mom was sleeping on the couch and dad was watching tv.

"Go lay them down, thanks boys." He said and we nodded.

We laid them down in Kaye's bed and went to sleep.

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