• Chapter 78 •

Start from the beginning

"I was grounded for like a year." Hayes joked. "Getting bad grades isn't an option if you're a Dallas." I said.

"I guess that doesn't apply to Mr. Straight C student." Nash said, referring to Cameron. "Im doing good right now, okay." Cameron chuckled.

Cameron parked his car and we got out.

Cameron hugged me and I laughed, "Cameron stop." I whined. "THIS IS MY LITTLE SISTER!" He yelled so everyone could hear.

"Cameron!" Yelled slapping his chest. He chuckled. "I'll see you at lunch." He said and I nodded.

Hayes and I walked to our lockers, then to first period. "Leo!" I smiled. He turned around and we hugged.

We sat down and started talking.

• Free Period •

• Hayes POV •

"Hayes, you should go buy me a soda." Kaye smirked. We were all working on out math homework, in the library.

"Fine." I said.

I walked down the hall and went to the vending machine. I bought her a sprite and I heard laughing, not just any laugh, but Jordan's laugh.

I walked around the corner and she was kissing Marcus.

I dropped the sprite, surprised at what I was seeing. I know we're taking a break, but seriously?

They looked my way. "Hey.." Jordan mumbled. "Is this why we're taking a break?" I asked. "No Hayes, it just Marcus is there for me when you aren't." She said.

"Why didn't you just say so then?" I asked. She shrugged. I looked at Marcus.

"And you, we've been friends since fourth grade and this is what you do to me!" I yelled at Marcus.

"She wanted better, sorry dude. This isn't middle school anymore." He said. "You're right, so I don't care if I do this." I snapped and punched him in the face.

He punched me back and I tackled him to the ground. He punched me, then hovered over me.

"Hayes!" I hear Kaye. "Marcus stop." Kaye said. He was going to swing at me, but Kaye got in the way and he ended up punching her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled and started repeatedly punching him.

A teacher came out and got me off of him.

Kaye was holding her eye, biting her lip.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head. "Hayes. Marcus, to the principles office." The teacher said.

I ignored her and walked Kaye to the nurse. "Go, before you get in more trouble." She said. "No, I'm gonna make sure you're okay." I said.

I sat down, while the nurse looked at her. I texted Cameron telling him what happened and soon enough, he was walking in he nurses office.

"Who did this Kalyn?" Cameron asked, clearly pissed. "Hayes." Kaye groaned. "He deserved to know." I said.

The principle walked in. She looked at me and I sighed following her to her office.

"Hayes, do you have any other contacts, your parents aren't answering any phones." She said.

"My emergency contact list has numbers." I shrugged. "I have a Melissa Dallas." She said. Kaye's mom will understand.

"Yeah, she'll answer." I said.

Melissa showed up and she gave me a look. She sat beside me and the principle introduced herself.

"His parents are in an important meeting." Melissa told the principle. "It's fine, I just needed someone down here to discuss Hayes' behavior." The principle said.

"May I ask why he's in trouble?" Melissa asked. "He started a fight between another boy and because of it, a girl is in the nurses office." She said.

I put my head down guilty.

"Who is it Hayes?" Melissa asked. "Kaye tried stopping it and Marcus accidentally swung at her." I said. "Oh my gosh, is she okay?" She asked in a panic.

I shrugged. "Why did you fight?" She asked. "Marcus was kissing Jordan." I said. "Hayes." She sighed.

"It hurts." I said looking at her. "I know it does, but you can't start fights like that." She said. "I'm sorry." I said.

"Hayes is suspended for two days." The principle said. "I can't be suspended! I'll get kicked off the football team!" I yelled.

"Sorry, you broke the rules." She said. I got up and stormed out. Marcus smirked at me. I glared at him before going to my locker and grabbing my bag.

I went to the nurses office and a bruise was forming on Kaye's cheek and around her eye.

"I'm suspended." I told her. I told Cameron what happened and he chuckled. "Clearly you won the fight." He said referring to me having no bruises.

Melissa came in and checked Kaye's face. "Mom, I'm okay." Kaye said. "Caneron, can you get Kaye's things, she's being signed out." Melissa said.

Cameron left and we waited in the office.

"And Hayes, if you're going to start a fight, do it after school." Melissa said. Me and Kaye started laughing and Cameron came back.

"Bye Cam, I'll see you when I see you." Kaye said. Cameron hugged her and we got in the car.

"Why were you fighting with Marcus?" Kaye asked.

"He was kissing Jordan." I said. She looked at me before rolling her eyes. "Why the eye roll?" I asked.

"Because this wouldn't have happened if you would have listened to me." She said.

"I'm sorry geez." I mumbled. "Whatever." She mumbled. "So much for sympathy."

"Oh and now you want sympathy!" She yelled, "you deserve it." She snapped. "Kalyn Shay, that's enough." Melissa snapped.

I didn't know what to say, why is she mad?


Heyooo!👋 anywho, actually I have nothing to say lol, so byeee loves(:

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