• Chapter 45 •

Start from the beginning

It went silent and we heard a moan and we knew they were making out.

Callie and I had talked, we didn't go back to being close, but we're on speaking terms.

"I'm gonna head home. It was nice seeing you guys." Callie said. "I wish we could say the same." Cameron mumbled. I slapped him and he glared at me.

We said our goodbyes and Taylor walked her down to her cab.

The door opened and it was Nila. "Hayes, you're gonna fly back home with us." She said. "Why?" Hayes asked.

"So we can talk. you know, Away from everyone." She said. "Oh. Okay." He said. "We leave in about an hour, so get your stuff and Melissa and I are gonna come back and get you." She said.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked. She shook her head, "fine." He mumbled. She left and Hayes started packing his stuff up.

He finished and I hugged him. "FaceTime me on the flight best friend." He said. "We always do even if we're on the same flight." I laughed.

"It's our thing." He chuckled.

~ Night ~

I put on Mathews American eagle boxer shorts and his Hollister sweater and slipped on some toms.

"I'm gonna go to Matthews room." I told madison. She was cuddled into Carter, laughing all cutely in his arms.

"Bye." They said. Carter smirked lifting up her shirt. "Alright I'm leaving!" I yelled walking out.

I put my hair in a messy bun and knocked on his door.

He answered, "I thought you were Carter." He said. "He's cuddling with his girlfriend." I mumbled. "I miss cuddling." He said.

"Me too." I said.

We both looked down. "I'm sorry I said what I said. I was just mad. I know it meant nothing and you wouldn't do that to me." He said.

"I wouldn't, I love you to much." I said.

"I bet you I love you much more." He smirked.

He took my hand and I looked up at him. He pulled me in his room and closed the door.

I laid on his bed and he laid next to me, playing with my hair. "I like when you play with my hair." I smiled. "I like your hair." He said.

I sat up and so did he.

I sat on his lap, facing him. I kissed him and he smiled, kissing me back. We started making out and things got pretty heated.

"Stop. I can't do this. I'm only fourteen. I'm sorry." I said, getting off his bed. "It's okay, I wouldn't force you to do anything." He said.

"I just want to cuddle." I said.

He nodded and patted the spot next to him. I smiled and laid down.

The door opened and it was Carter and Cameron. "I was just letting him in. Bye." Carter said leaving.

"You're not sleeping in his bed." Cameron told me. "I know." I said. "Well go, I don't want you falling asleep in here." He said.

"I will, but I'm not tired yet. When I'm tired I will. I promise." I said. "Are you hungry, me and the guys were just gonna go get pizza." He said.

"I'm starving." I groaned. "Come on." He said. I nodded and stood up. I went back to my room and grabbed my phone.

"Are y'all coming?" I asked. They nodded and we all walked out. "You're going like that?" Matthew asked.

I looked down and shrugged, "yep."

He chuckled and took my hand. We went downstairs to the lobby and walked over to where everyone was.

"Kaye, you look like a hobo." Nash said. "A cute one." I smirked. He wrapped his arm around my neck.

"I'm a giant compared to you." He chuckled. "You're a giant compared to everyone except for Matthew." I said.

He chuckled and pushed me. I pushed him back and we started fighting. "Help!" I yelled. Everyone pretended they didn't know what was going on.

Nash stopped and I glared at everyone.

"The cars here." Shawn said. We nodded and got in the car.

We drove to the pizza parlor and walked inside.


Dramas over for now, but there's lots more to come.

And if you're wondering this isn't the last of KAYESSSS.

Who do you think Kaye will end up with?

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For the next chapter!

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