Chapter One

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This entire fic is dedicated to my friend Real_Seneca_Crane because she is fabulous and I love her and she supported me as I wrote this, and she also urged me to post this on here. I can't find a way to dedicate the whole thing to her, so I just dedicated the first chapter, but we can all just know in our minds that the entirety is dedicated to her. 

God, I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take; seeing him with her, it just set my teeth on edge. Every day he was skyping her, or texting her, or calling her, or hanging out with her – when we weren’t touring. I was quickly becoming a hot mess, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was just so madly in love with him, Louis Tomlinson, but he was taken and I’m his best friend and I know he doesn’t swing that way…

            “Curly, are you in here?” I heard Louis call as the front door to the flat clicked shut.

            “In the living room, Boo Bear!” I answered.

            He entered the room with his hair disheveled and a slight pink to his cheeks from being out in the crisp autumn air, at least that’s what I assumed had caused it.

            “Eleanor is so wonderful,” Louis sighed as he flopped down on the couch spreading his whole body across the black leather. “We had the absolute best date.”

            I rolled my eyes. Yeah she’s absolutely perfect, I thought to myself bitterly as I pulled my knees in to my chest.

            “So, why are you in here sitting on the floor Haz?” Louis asked flipping over on his tummy and plunging his hand into my curls.

            My eyes rolled back in pleasure and my breath caught in my chest, making it extremely difficult to answer. “Umm I-I…” I spluttered trying to remember why I was sitting here.

            Louis chuckled to himself as he removed his hand from my hair and flipped onto his back. “Cat got your tongue, Haz?” He asked cheekily.

            “You know the cats always got my tongue,” I replied grinning and waggling my eyebrows at him suggestively.

            “Hmm you and I both know what you really mean when you say ‘cats’, and that’s kind of disgusting mate,” Louis said reproachfully as he leaned back, closing his eyes with a smile on his face.

            “You know you love me Lou,” I replied grinning.

            “Yeah, yeah, I know that you know that I know that I love you,” Louis replied with a yawn.

            “… What?” I asked, repeating what he said over and over in my head in attempts to decipher his meaning, when something smacked into the back of my head with great force. Ugh, that – whatever it was- is going to leave a bruise. I turned back to Louis glaring at him as I gently rubbed the tender spot.

            “Oops, sorry Haz, my hand slipped,” Louis smirked wiggling his fingers at me.

            “You’re a jerk,” I growled stifling a smile.

            “And you’re a halfwit.” He grinned.

            I gasped in mock hurt as I clutched my heart. “You can’t mean that Louis! I was top of my class I’ll have you know!” I replied.

            “Top of your class in amount of detentions received maybe…” Louis replied rolling his eyes.

            “Details, details,” I muttered, grinning. “Why do you always look at the bad side? It’s like you enjoy hurting me,” I continued pretending to be hurt.

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