Chapter 7

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After a few weeks of me shunning Blake, and Connor glaring at him, it was simply too hard to handle the emotional stress.  My parents told me the insurance payment had arrived so we could begin shopping for our new home. The insurance company had determined our house fire was caused by an electrical short, so it was covered by our policy. This helped me to be distracted. However, Blake stayed in his room and played loud music. Just reminding me he was near.  It was extremely annoying to hear Eminem blasting from his room at the late hours of the night. No one really knew what went down on that Saturday afternoon, but I knew it would never be the same.

    Tonight was a Friday night, and Brooklyn, Bridget, Connor, Luke, Eli, and I were going to the fair. I had never really been to one before, so I was really excited. To tell you the truth, I was really excited to spend time with Connor outside of school. We were just friends, but he was the only one who really knows what’s going on in my life. I had to hide the secrets behind my emotional wall, so the others wouldn’t dig up some treasure of gossip about Cara. After all, it seemed like the whole school knew about everything about everyone.

    I heard the familiar ring of the horn on Bridget’s car. I walked outside to see her beautiful red Porsche convertible parked in front of Blake’s house.

“Cara!” Brooklyn shouted.

I jumped in the back, and the back of her car was literally perfect. She looked like a Barbie doll. We arrived at the fair around six. Connor, Eli, and Luke met us at the ticket booth.

“Hey Cara,” Connor said.

“Hey!” I said.

After we rode many roller coasters and crazy rides, I was officially burnt out.

“Want to go with us on the Spaceship?” Bridget asked.

I shook my head no. The ride was some kind of crazy thing that spun them around, and there was huge line.

“Connor?” she asked.

“No, I’m fine. I’ll stay here with Cara,” he said.

“Want to walk?” I asked him.

He walked closely beside me, so closely we kept bumping into each other.

“So you’re not into those kinds of rides, huh?” he asked.

“No, not anything that will make me dizzy,” I said.

He smiled at me.

“Me either,” he said.

Connor seemed very happy, and it definitely rubbed off on me. He was always happy though.  It was nice to spend time with a happy person. His smile was like a hug.

“Oh my gosh,” he laughed, pointing at our friends running towards us.

I couldn’t help but laugh, too. They all looked extremely out of it and dizzy as they made their way towards us.

“Cara? Connor?” Bridget said, reaching her arms out towards me.

“Are you okay?”  I giggled at her.

“No,” she moaned.

    Connor’s hair was tussled by the wind, and his brown eyes were just so happy and content. He looked extremely cute, and I couldn’t help but smile at the friends I had made. Our friends desperately wanted to leave because they felt kind of sick after riding one too many rides. Connor and I waved goodbye as they all made their way to Bridget’s car.

“Come on, let’s go,” he said.

I looked up at the familiar sight of his black BMW. We got inside and Connor looked towards me.

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