The Floors

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Chris ported back to the tavern with the group. "That was.... An interesting start to floor 5." Frewby said, going behind the counter to get a drink. "Hello." A voice suddenly called out, startling Chris. He turned around to see a white haired girl in a kimono. "Oh. Hey Irene. This is Kaz." "Hello. It's a pleasure to MEAT you Kaz." Irene said, holding out a piece of chicken, laughing. "Was.... Was that a pun?" Chris asked. "Get used to that. She loves puns." Frewby said, putting a drink in front of Chris. "On the house noob."

Chris drank what he realized was alcohol. Remembering that he was in a game, he finished it off fast. "Gotta charge you for the next round on... Or not, nobody ever pays anyways." Frewby said, giving Chris water. "Don't need you wasted." Chris shrugged and drank. "So... How do I get a porting crystal." "You start with some." Zara said, finally speaking up again. Chris looked through his menu and found what he needed. "Cool. Thanks." He looked at Zara before looking away, blushing. "Too much blood in ya cheeks, Kazy?" Chris gave Frewby a snarky look for that comment before hearing Irene whisper. "Oh my god, a new ship! I have to write it down." Chris sighed before porting away. "Daw. I scared Kazy away."

Chris ported to floor 4, checking out the giant mine area that was before him. Realizing how creepy it was, he ported away. Chris ported to floor 3, noticing a beautiful waterfall before him. He decided to sit and enjoy it for a while before finally porting. He pulled out the crystal. However, when he looked up, he noticed a white haired man staring at him before heading into the forest. ".... Okay." Being the only thing he said in a while, he ported.

Porting to floor 2, he noticed it was a forest. Chris explored it for a while before running into a wierd scenario. He saw 2 ghosts floating around, flying and singing about gold. He stepped away, only to step on a leaf. The ghost creatures noticed him and immediately attacked. Before he could respond, they went through him before flying away.

Looking up. Chris noticed he was unharmed. It wasnt until he opened his menu that he noticed what they did. "Those ghost fuckers STOLE EVERYTHING ON ME!" In a panic, Chris immediately went in the direction he heard them go, catching up to them in no time. "Oh, thats how you run... I FOUND YOU FUCKERS!" The ghosts panicked upon hearing Chris and got ensnared by a trap.

A NPC appeared in front of the ghosts and laughed. "Caught you. You Ghusts are mine!" The Ghust panicked, and begged for help. Chris sighed and attacked. Remembering he had no weapon, he beat the NPC using dirty tactics and sticks. After defeating the NPC, he recieved daggers as a prize. He used one to free the Ghusts.

"Thank you, thank you!" One of the Ghusts exclaimed. "He was after the Ghust crystal so he could steal the treasure we gathered!" "Ghost? Crystal?" "No! No Ghost, Ghusts! We are Ghusts!" "Right....." Chris whistled, clearly confused. "I am Momonanga. Do you wish to come with us to the Village?" "I guess. I kinda want my stuff back as well." "Then lets go!" Momonanga and the other Ghust spun around Chris, before they ported to a giant village with Ghusts flying around everywhere. "Welcome Spirit!" Momonanga exclaimed, excitingly. "To the Ghust Village!"

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