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Maddie's P.O.V-

"You are well to go Miss. No harm done." The doctor said and gave me a prescription for my headache.

"Thanks, Doc." I muttered and left his office, then walked my way to Nathan's room. I opened the door, a doctor and a nurse were there, but Nathan was sitting instead of laying on the hospital bed.

"Nathan." I muttered and smiled.

"Hey, gorgeous." He said and kissed my head while we hugged.

"Miss, we just told Mr. Sykes that he's fine to go. He has his arms slightly swollen, I'm giving him a prescription for it and the pain. He should be fine. " The doctor said handing me the prescription and smiled.

"Thanks." Both Nathan and me said at the same time. The doctor nodded and left the room, the nurse followed him out. I sighed and kissed Nathan.

"Let's go see the others." I mumbled and picked up his hand. We got out of his room and walked to the waiting room. We quickly noticed only Kelsey, Nareesha, Lucy and Jess were there. I wonder where are the rest.

"Where are the others?" Nathan asked and interlocked our fingers. I noticed Nareesha was red from crying.

"Tom is looking coffee for us. Jay is sitting in that corner alone." Kelsey whispered and pointed to a corner across the room, where I saw Jay crying alone. I've never seen Jay cry... That image left me breathless.

"Siva is... badly harmed. He hasn't woken up, and Max is in the same state as Siva." Kelsey continued and hugged Nareesha, then hugged Lucy. Then I saw Rosie's image in my head, blood quickly gushing out of her head.

My best friend.

"Rosie! Where's Rosie?! How is she??" I tried to whisper, but it was impossible. Jay's head snapped up and then leaned his head against the wall in agony. Something was wrong... The girls kept quiet, not even Jess said anything. I turned around and walked to Jay. He looked at me, dead.

He was dead.

I sat down beside him and gave him a hug. Tears escaped my eyes, soaking his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me, grasping on my shirt, his cries changed to sobs.

"Jay... What's wrong with Rosie? Where is she?" I whispered almost breathless, not letting him go.

"She's fighting for... her life..." He sobbed and snuggled against my neck. Those words stabbed me deep into my heart. The agony in Jay's words...

"Wh... What?" I cried and caressed Jay's curls in support. I pulled away from our hug and cleaned my tears away.

"She lost a lot of blood... they were going to give her more. But her blood is rare... They don't have it here. She's loosing strength every second that passes. I can't Maddie... I can't..." Jay's words broke, more tears falling down his eyes. I kept quiet, crying with him. I wiped his tears away.

"She's like my best friend... I've never loved anyone like I've loved her... She liked to party, to drink with me. She was random and crazy, yet still such a cute and beautiful girl. We had fun like a couple, talked like best friends and stood up for each other like brothers. I can't... lose her." He said and sniffed, looking at me straight in the eyes. Suddenly, the doctor came in the waiting room. Jay and I quickly stood up and walked towards the others to hear about them...

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