The Annoucement

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"Okay, girls! Line up!" Meet my choreographer,Tori, she's lovely and very well known in the dancing industry.

I quickly walked to where the girls were lined. I'm Maddison and i'm a professional dancer. Dancing is something I breathe, I can't live without it.

"Today, someone will come to see you dance. He's not like anyone you meet on the street, he's a manager of very famous celebrities like 'Justin Bieber', ' Usher', 'The Wanted' and 'Psy'." Some of the girls beside me squealed and clapped.

I'm used to this kind of stuff, dancing with stars and everything. To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is.

"Make sure to do your best, this can be a permanent job for you guys, going on tour and everything." She continued, moving from side to side.

Now this is exciting! Getting to tour with celebrities sounds exciting, this time I smiled.

"Who's the lucky singer to dance with us?" One of the girls squealed and giggled. I seriously don't like them, they are so... Happy. Ugh.

"It's a boyband, actually. The Wanted. I must warn you girls from now on, only five girls will get the job, the rest will stay here waiting for another great opportunity."

I will get this job for sure, i'm such an amazing dancer. I let out a grin, just by the thought of it. Dancing with one of those hotties, that would be awesome. I can't lie, some part of me was panicking just like the girls were.

"This session is over, make sure to practice. Good luck, girls!" Tori smiled at us and left the room.

I walked over to the bench, and picked up my water.

"Maddie, are you nervous?" Rosie asked behind me, taking a sip of her water bottle.

I love this girl, we have known each other since we were in kindergarden, we are more like sisters.

"Yes." I whispered, I can't lie to her, she knows me more than I know myself.

"Well, that's not the Maddison I know. The Maddison I know is proud of herself and doesn't let anyone beat her. She always keeps her chin high and is NEVER nervous because she's sure of herself." She smiled and winked at me. You see? This is why I love her.

"I'm sure we'll do great." She reassured me and winked. Hopefully, we will both get the job.

"We'll see."

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