Closed Desition

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**Days Later**

"Next!" I heard a manly voice yell from the other room.

I felt my feet shaking, this is very nerve racking. Girls kept entering and leaving the room, some with smiles and grins and others with faces full of tears. I am the second one to the last one left to be tested, which is good because it gives me more time to pratice my dance.

"I'M DONE! I'VE FOUND THEM!" I heard the manly voice yell from the room, followed by claps and cheers.

My heart skipped a beat. I haven't been tested yet! How can they have already chosen the girls? I bolted in the room only to find five guys standing near the bench and a guy sitting in the middle of the room.

"What?" I said, all the heads snapped up towards me, I knew I had all of the attention now. "Umm.. Sorry, miss. We have already picked the girls, we will call them in soon." He said playing with his fingers looking at me straight in the eye. I don't care how important this guy think he is, he's not ruining this for me.

"I still haven't auditioned." I said raising my voice. The five guys whispered to each other and pointed at me, how rude.

"I have already chosen the girls, I don't have to check anyone else." He said standing up and moving a little bit foward, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, come on, Scoots! Let's give her a chance." I quickly turned my head towards the guys, one of the five guys was walking towards this 'Scoots'. Oh my, and he has very thin feminine legs.

"Fine." 'Scoots' grunted and sat down.


I started moving my hips side to side, my arms lifting and moving swiftly trying to make it sensual, following the beat of the song. I could swear I gave my heart out on that dance floor. After I was finished, no one said anything. I saw their faces, their mouth hanging open. This could only mean two things, either I was too good or too bad.

"Holy fuck! That was amazing!" The guy with the girlish legs jumped, startling all of us. He had a heavy british accent, which was hard to understand.

"Second thoughts?" The curly haired guy asked, walking towards 'Scoots'.

My gosh they are gorgeous! I took a glance at the three other guys near the bench, they were incredibly sexy just like the first two. The tall one and the bald one noticed my stare and they smiled at me, I smiled back and glanced at the small, more cuteish guy. He didn't smile at me, he just turned away, like if I didn't exist. Just great...

"We'll annouce the dancers in a few minutes."

"Okay." I mumbled and turned around to leave the room.

**A few hours later**

"And the chosen dancers are Jessica!" Everyone clapped and smiled at her, some girls watched her with murdering eyes.

"Kiley!" My heart skipped a few beats. "Rosie!" I looked at Rosie and smiled. She winked at me and walked towards Kiley, standing beside her and the guys.

"Maddison" I squealed and ran towards Rosie and hugged her.

"Told ya'!" She whispered in my ear.

"And Kenzie!" Some girls clapped but the rest of them groaned and cried. 'Scoots' stood in front of 'us', the five chosen dancers.

"I'm Scooter Braun, The Wanted's manager and your new boss."

Say It (A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction) (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora