Intense Sexiness

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Maddison's P.O.V-

"Okay, so here's the plan. You are going to the club and have a good time. Try and make a conversation with him; FLIRT! Then, my cousin will be there, I'll help you spot him and you will talk and act flirty. But be nice to Nathan and try and be a friend." Jess said while she finished my make up.

"Done!" She squealed and turned me arround to face the mirror. I gasped, I looked... beautiful... intense.

"Thanks, Jess!" I squealed and hugged her. I fiddled around and looked at myself in the mirror, the outfit was gorgeous yet still sexy. "Well, let's go!" She was already ready, so she pulled me out of her room and we ran downstairs. I walked up to Rosie.

"Maddie is that you?!?" She gasped and hugged me.

"Yea..." I laughed and looked at her.

"You look gorgeous." I scoffed jokingly and smiled.

"Oh, stop it you." She flipped her hair and smiled wide. Rosie pulled me closer.

"I'm trying to get Jay. It's been one month since we met, it's time to make him mine." She whispered in my ear, I gasped and clasped my hands in my mouth.

"Jess, you are going to...-"

"HEY, ladies. We are leaving!" Jay mumbled and scared us both. I saw Max, Tom, Siva and the girls ready. Suddenly Nathan walked down the stairs, wearing a black rocker jacket and a white t-shirt, he definitely took time fixing himself.

We all walked outside, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me from behind. Hopefully it's him, I took a glance and it was him. He was eating me with his eyes, staring at me up and down. Remember Maddie, flirt. I looked at him and smiled, then fiddled with my hair and got in the van. This is going to be a good night.

Nathan's P.O.V.-

We all laughed around and smiled. I took occasional glances towards Maddie. Is this because I backed off from my plan? I don't think so... Oh, fuck. I couldn't stop staring at her, it's like she's hypnotizing me. Two nights ago when I carried her to her room and she kissed me on the cheek, I could not forget it. No Nathan, STOP. Maybe after what she told me? No, but I don't like her. Not everyone likes her, I won't be the exception. We all got out of the van, most of us laughing and smiling. I entered the club, everything danced around, even the walls. I sat down in a table, I don't like being here that much, besides I don't dance. Suddenly someone sat down in front of me. Maddie.

"Hey." She smiled, and giggled.


"Why are you so lonely?" She asked in a very high-pitched voice, but it was still cute. What? No, she's a bitch... I sighed.

"I don't like dancing or being here that much." I muttered and lifted my hand for the waitress to attend me.

"Hello there, what would you like to drink?" She said to me and smiled.

"Whiskey please."

"Sure." She wrote down what I asked for and left. I sighed again.


"What?" I asked and stared at her again.

"Let's dance." She said and stood up.

"What.. N-" Too late she already pulled me up and

pulled me towards the dance floor.

"I don-"

"I'll show you." She grinned and laughed. She took my hands and placed them on her hips, and then she danced in front of me, running me up and down.

This girl has something... First she hates me, then she tells me the truth about her past and acts all bitchy and then she is friendly? I cannot lie, Maddie is gorgeous and definitely has her thing. She's nice to others and very kind, others except me... I won't like her. We danced for around two hours, and we had so much fun.

"May I dance with this beauty?"

Another guy walked in front of us and asked Maddie out...

Say It (A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction) (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora