Part 10 : the dance ?

Start from the beginning

Glynda : "next time you should think a little harder before choosing an opponent"

Mercury : "i'll be sure to do that" he said as he waved and walked away.

Glynda : "and that's all for today and remember, the dance is this weekend and you all have your first mission on Monday and i do not accept any excuses" she said as the bell rang.

Me : "see you later aunt Glynda"

Glynda : "see you later (Y/N)" she said as i walked away. I went outside the class to see my teammates and team JNPR.

Ruby : "WOW(Y/N)THATWASAMAIZING!!" She said as she was holding my arms.

Pyrrha : "yeah, that was amazing what was that?" She said as her cheeks turned slightly red.

Me : "that was a martial art technique that my commander taught me back in Vacuo"

Yang : "you have to teach me to do that sometimes. Maybe we could do a private lesson" she said while blinking one of her eyes. 'She's doing that weird thing again' i thought as the others had their cheeks turning red.

Me : "sure Yang" i said earning glares from the rest of them.

Yang : "YAY!" She yelled.

Me : "we should get going. I'm tired" i said which they all nodded in agreement.

We walked back towards the dorms but in the way i saw Sun walking towards Blake.

Sun : "hey Blake, do you want to you know, go to the dance with me"

Blake : "I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would understand that" she said while walking away while the others had looks of concern on their faces.

(Time skip at night)

While the girls were trying to convince Blake to go to the dance, i told them i had to do something and walked out.

Me : 'he said that his ally knows everything. This is worse than I thought. I need to be careful so that none of them gets mixed up into this' I thought as i heard swords clashing on the roof. I approached the source of the sound to see Pyrrha fighting Jaune.

Me : 'she must be training him' i thought as i walked towards them.

Me : "hey guys. How's the training going ?" I asked which made Pyrrha jumped and almost slicing Jaune into two. She then turned around to see me.

Pyrrha : "(Y/N)! It's nice to see you"

Jaune : "hi (Y/N), what do you think about my sword fighting skills ? Have i gotten better ?" He said while showing off his sword.

Me : "still too predictable for battle Jaune but you're making some progress"

Jaune : "what about you ? I've never seen you using your sword. You want to spar ? I'll learn so much from the experience"

Me : "sure why not. Pyrrha, do you mind ?"

Pyrrha : "sure" she said as i took my stance.

Jaune : "(Y/N), show me something cool!"

Me : "this is one of the special techniques that my commander taught me" i said as i unsheathed my scimitar.

(Pyrrha's POV)

(Y/N) : "this is one of the special techniques that my commander taught me" he said as i blinked but when my eyes opened he suddenly disappeared instead he was already in front of Jaune surprising him making him fall to the ground.

Jaune : "WHOA!!!"

(Y/N) : "sorry about that Jaune"

Me : "how did you do that ?"

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