"Yeah actually, I guess I am the mum friend of the group." Remus laughed. Aspen hid a smile, she thought that question was a crash and burn.

"Then again," he continued, "I think we can all be mum friend at times. Except for Pa—Sirius of course, despite his name . . . he can never be serious."

"That's . . . nice." Aspen said, growing even more uncomfortable. And of course she had to make the conversation uncomfortable too. All she wanted to do that moment was run up to her dorm and jump onto her bed for safety. But she couldn't do that so she had to suck up her insecurities and socialize with anyone who talked to her, even her crush Remus Lupin. Maybe socializing will actually help with her dream of becoming an Auror!

"Yeah, I guess it is." He said with a small smile, looking towards his three friends who were laughing hysterically at nothing specific. "Would you like some help with your friend?"

"Kinda," She replied, looking at the scarred boy and then back down to her jeans with a blush. "Though I guess I could wait, it's always good to get out of the dorm once in a while."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait for everything to clear out. I don't feel like publicly embarrassing myself for not being able to carry her up the stairs." Aspen explained, pointing her thumb towards her friend as she spoke.

"Carry?" Remus asked with a laugh. "You're a witch, Aspen, just levitate her!"

"How did I not think of that?" She asked, bewildered, how did she not think about that? She's only been a witch all her life. Now that's one clear reason as to why she's not a Ravenclaw.

"The simplest things can leave one's mind when she is most stressed." Remus replied with a straight, compacted voice.

He must've seen her confused expression because right after he finished he quickly added, "Sorry, it's just you seem kind of—how should I say this? Nervous . . . stressed?"

"I-I'm fine Remus, though, thanks for, er, noticing?" Aspen asked, unsure of what she should say. Her crush was noticing her flaws, how great!

"My pleasure." He politely stated. Suddenly, he stood up, causing the couch to lift a little bit and then he turned to Aspen. "Well, as much fun as this has been, I must get going. James looks like he's about to puke."

Aspen looked over to where the three other boys were previously and saw that James Potter looked like he was indeed going to vomit. His face was pale with a green tint to it as he kept his head lowered between his knees. Sirius Black was staring at nothing visibly time-consuming in a crowd of girls and Peter Pettigrew was nowhere to be seen.

"Have fun with that," Cringed Aspen."I'll be attempting to float this—" she said, motioning towards Evelyn, "up the stairs."

"Ah, guess we're both stuck in the gutter." He perceived. "Well, I wish you luck—see you again, Aspen."

"See you again, Remus." Replied Aspen quietly, Remus still heard her—he gave her a nod before he walked to his friends.

"Now how am I going to do this?" She whispered to herself, looking at her friend. Like Remus said, she can use a levitation charm on her friend, but that would attract attention from both sober and drunk students . . . She didn't want to attract any of the wrong sorts of students, they may all be Gryffindor and very protective of each other, but drunken teenagers could attempt anything—and Aspen didn't want to risk any possibility. She stood up, not being noticed by anyone—releasing a wave of relief through her. Now it was the hard part, where she was bound to be noticed.

It's alright, she's just helping her passed out drunk friend back to her dorm. It's not like she's killing anyone. If anyone asks she'll just explain the situation. She bent down, causing her hair to fall into her face, but she didn't mind it as she pulled her wand out of her boot. She was opening her mouth to say the spell until a; "What are you doing?" Stopped her.

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