Heroes and Idiots

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Yoongi sighed as he dropped his phone on the table and laid back against the couch. Hoseok watched him with an amused look on his face, waiting patiently for Yoongi to explain the unexpected phone call from mystery friend.

"Remember the book we were tracking? I found the idiot who has it." Yoongi said, eyes scrunched close in concentration.

Jungkook looked up from his ramen, mouth stuffed with the noodles as he wildly flapped his hands trying to get Hoseok's attention. When Hoseok did finally glance at him, Jungkook took out the photo the old lady gave him and threw the picture at Hoseok who effortlessly caught it between his long slender fingers.

"Is this the guy?" Hoseok asked, placing the picture on Yoongi's chest, fingers brushing Yoongi's exposed pale skin slightly longer than strictly necessary before letting his hand drop to his sides.

Yoongi rubbed his temples, eyes still close. He made no effort to pick up the photo on lying on his chest. "Does the guy in question have dimples so deep it could hold the entire universe with a stupid smile on his face?" he asked instead.

Jungkook nearly chocked on his dinner and had to gulp a glass of water down. "That's a seriously weird way of describing a guy." he muttered, soft enough to be out of earshot. Yoongi merely huffed in response.

"Not sure about holding the universe, but he certainly has dimples, blond kid with cat like slits for eyes when he smiles. Kindda hot in a cute sort of way." Hoseok replied, head tilted sideways looking at the picture on Yoongi's chest.

"Yup, that's him. I don't even need to look at the picture to confirm it. Kookie, have you procure the holy fire?" Yoongi asked, finally getting up from the sofa and stretching languidly, almost like a cat.

Jungkook nodded, mouthing the final bits of his ramen. "That shit is fucking expensive, not to mention rare. I had to call up countless dealers before finding one that had the real deal. Anyway, who's paying for it?" he asked, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

"Some poor bastard named Jensen Ackles." Hoseok replied with a chuckle.

Jungkook didn't share the same sentiment. "Do we have to live off credit card scams?" he asked, pouting. Jungkook prefers playing hero in a more righteous path that doesn't involve petty crimes and shady transactions. It somehow made him feel like they were fakes, antiheroes.

"We don't exactly have a lucrative career, boy. Main idea is to help people and we do it any way we can." Yoongi replied in a tone that left no room for arguments.

The doorbell couldn't have rung at a better time. Hoseok rushed to the door while Jungkook cleared up the dishes. He always preferred to give a professional aura to their supernaturally haunted customers. He didn't want them to think that the boys they seek help from barely have their own lives together while theirs is falling apart. Yoongi approached Jungkook and quietly muttered, "Sometimes heroes ain't multibillionaires with buff bodies or wear capes with ridiculous outfits. This ain't a comic or anime universe. Sometimes, heroes are regular people doing extraordinary things to make the world a better place. Keep your chin up, kid." He ruffled Jungkook's hair before walking to greet a very out of breath Namjoon at the door. 

Namjoon had never been this glad to see Yoongi in his entire 23 years of existence. Without saying a word, he flung his hands around Yoongi's waist and literally picked him up in a bone crushing hug. "Man, I'm so fucking glad to see you."

"Likewise. Now please put me down before I kick you where the sun doesn't shine." Yoongi hissed, voice muffled by Namjoon's scarf.  "So where's the book?" Yoongi asked, hands outstretched once his feet were firmly planted on the ground.

"Oh, it's at home." Namjoon replied, grinning.

Namjoon grin flattered when he realized none of the other boys were smiling at him. Yoongi looked pissed off, the boy with the red hair had an amused look on his face and finally the younger kid inside had an incredulous look on his. The gears were slowly turning in his head when it finally clicked. "Shit, you needed the book!? I-damn-sorry, man." Namjoon fumbled.

"You think? God, Namjoon, I could-" Yoongi was silenced with a place of Hoseok's hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have time for that now. We have to get that book. Kookie, get the stuffs we need." Hoseok said as calmly as he could, voice straining from his inheld laughter.

"That's your ride?" Namjoon asked, shocked. He stared at the sleek black Chevy Impala 67.

"Got a problem? You are welcomed to take the bus." Yoongi replied hotly, his ears red from embarrassment.

Namjoon smiled, "It's a rare type to drive in Korea, that's all."

"He named her baby. He got her delivered from the States. Be careful not to scratch anything. He'll go balistic. " Kookie whispered.

Namjoon couldn't help but be extra careful as he got into the car. He couldn't risk getting Yoongi any more angry then he already was. His life  literally depended on it. I

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